A container image with useful tools to automate deployments.
- bash
- moby buildctl
- python3, >=3.8, when bash is not enough
- python3-jinja2
- python3-psycopg2
- curl
- envsubst
- helm
- kubectl
- kustomize
- rsync
- openssh-client: ssh, ssh-agent, sftp, ... with strict host key checking disabled by default
- gnupg: gpg, ...
- salt-ssh
- git
- zip
- unzip
- jq
- postgresql-client: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/reference-client.html
- pg_activity
- htpasswd
- unison
- rclone
- skopeo
- aws
It is based on Ubuntu 22.04, but don't rely on it and if you do, be extra sure to pin a tag.
It starts as user 0.