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A MIPS ISA simulator implemented in L3. The simulator also supports CHERI capability extensions.

Getting started

To build the simulator, you need L3 installed on your machine.

L3 is implemented in Poly/ML 5.7, so in order to compile L3, you will need Poly/ML correctly installed. Simply follow the steps described on the Poly/ML download page. It is basically a case of:

tar -xf polyml.5.7.1.tar.gz
cd polyml-5.7.1/
sudo make install

You can clone the sources for L3 as follows:

git clone
cd l3

You should now be able to build L3 with:


Export the path to the l3 binary in your PATH environment variable (if you are going to hack on the simulator's source code, you might want to consider adding that to your .bashrc):

export PATH=__path__/__to__/l3/bin:$PATH

(with __path__/__to__/ replaced with what is appropriate for your setup)

Once L3 is setup, you can get this project's source code :

git clone [email protected]:acjf3/l3mips.git
cd l3mips

and build the MIPS simulator, either using mlton if it is installed on your machine:


or using PolyML:

make poly

To build the CHERI MIPS simulator, you will need the m4 macro processor installed:

sudo apt-get install m4

You can then build your CHERI simulator, specifying a value in the CAP variable. Possible values for this variable are :

  • p256 : 256-bits wide precise capabilities
  • p128 : 128-bits wide precise capabilities
  • p64 : 64-bits wide precise capabilities (no compiler support yet, so currently unusable)
  • c128c1 : 128-bits wide compressed capabilities, candidate 1
  • c128c2 : 128-bits wide compressed capabilities, candidate 2
  • c128c3 : 128-bits wide compressed capabilities, candidate 3
    • When using CAP=c128c3, the FAST_REP_CHECK variable can be set to 1 to use the fast representability check and left undefined to use the accurate representability check for capability manipulations taking pointers far out of bounds.
  • c128concentrate : 128-bits wide compressed capabilities, cheri concentrate
  • anything else : same as p256
make CAP=p256

To build the simulator with a floating point unit, set the FPU variable to 1:

make FPU=1

To build the simulator with caches, set the CACHE variable to 1:

make CACHE=1

Further variables can be set to control parameters of the caches:

  • L1SIZE : L1 cache size in bytes (default is 16384)
  • L1WAYS : number of ways in the L1 cache (default is 1, direct mapped)
  • L1LINESIZE : L1 cache line size in bytes (default is 128)
  • L2SIZE : L2 cache size in bytes (default is 65536)
  • L2WAYS : number of ways in the L1 cache (default is 4, 4-way set associative)
  • L2LINESIZE : L2 cache line size in bytes (default is 128)

For example, to build a simulator with caches, with a 2-way set associative L1:

make CACHE=1 L1WAYS=2

To build the simulator without virtual memory, set the NOTRANSLATE variable to 1:


To build the simulator without peripherals and without memory translation (simplifies export to HOL, but does not support logging or stats mechanisms), set the SIMPLEMEM variable to 1:


To control the name of the generated simulator, set the SIM variable:

make SIM=mySimulatorName

Running the simulator

When running the l3mips simulator, a set of command line arguments can be specified. A list of these flags is provided when running the simulator with -h or --help, or without any argument. The simulator should be run as follows:

l3mips [arguments] <file>

with <file> being the binary file to execute, and [arguments] an optional list of arguments drawn from the following:

  • --cycles <number> : maximum number of instructions being simulated
  • --trace <level> : trace verbosity level (0 default, 5 maximum)
  • --pc <address> : initial program counter value and start address for main Intel Hex file
  • --at <address> <file> : load extra <file> into physical memory at location <address>
  • --watch-paddr <address> : specify a physical <address> to monitor memory accesses
  • --nbcore <number> : <number> of core(s) to simulate (default is 1)
  • --uart <address> : base physical <address> for the UART device
  • --uart-delay <number> : UART cycle delay (determines baud rate)
  • --uart-in <file> : UART input <file> (stdin if omitted)
  • --uart-out <file> : UART output <file> (stdout if omitted)
  • --trace-out <file> : Traces output <file> (stdout if omitted)
  • --stats-out <file> : Stats output <file> (stdout if omitted)
  • --stats-format <format> : Stats output format. <format> can be set to csv, or to anything else for human readable stats output format (default is human readable)
  • --format <format> : File format for the specified binaries. <format> can be set to raw or hex.
  • --non-block <on|off> : non-blocking UART input on or off
  • --dump-stats <number> : display statistics every <number> simulation steps
  • --rdhwr-extra <on|off> : enable simulator control features through rdhwr inst, on or off
  • --schedule <file> : <file> of core ids indicating schedule. When omitted, round robin between cores
  • --ignore <string> : UNPREDICTABLE#(<string>) behaviour is ignored (currently <string> must be HI or LO)
  • -h or --help : print help message

Booting FreeBSD

To boot FreeBSD, you will need a kernel image. There exist a CHERI port of FreeBSD, CheriBSD, available on github.

Some kernel images are readily available in the BERI cpu website software download section. To get "arcina-cheribsd-beri-sim-mdroot-singleuser-kernel", run the following commands:

bunzip2 arcina-cheribsd-beri-sim-mdroot-singleuser-kernel.bz2

To run your kernel image in the l3mips simulator, run the command:

./l3mips --non-block on --ignore HI --ignore LO --format raw --at 1048576 <your-kernel-image> roms/simboot.mem

Booting a FreeBSD kernel and getting to a user prompt takes around 10 mins on a recent PC.

Project hierarchy

  • roms
  • src
    • l3
      • cheri
      • cp2-null
      • tlb
    • sml
      • lib

src directory

This directory contains the sources for the simulator. The L3 sources for the model are under the l3 directory, and the sml sources to generate an executable simulator are found under the sml directory.

###l3 directory

The l3 directory contains the sources for the MIPS ISA specification. To generate a simulator, the list of files that is required is specified in the Makefile. There is a conditional inclusion of specific files for a build with the CAP environment variable set (which targets a build with the CHERI capability coprocessor). Each .spec file specify a part of the ISA :

  • mips-base.spec Declares the state variables of the processor as well as a few utility functions
  • mips-decode.spec Defines the MIPS instruction decoder
  • mips-encode.spec Defines some pretty printing and encoding functions for the MIPS instructions
  • mips-exception.spec Defines the MIPS exception codes, a function to trigger an exception, and the ERET instruction
  • mips-init.spec Defines the initial state of the processor
  • mips-instructions.spec Defines the semantic functions representing the MIPS instructions that are called in the decoder
  • mips-memaccess.spec Defines the data load, data store, and instructions fetch operations
  • mips-sml.spec /!\ need more refactoring /!\
  • mips-next.spec Defines the next state function for the MIPS model
  • mips-pic.spec Models the MIPS programmable interrupt controller
  • mips-types.spec Defines types used throughout the model
  • mips-uart.spec Models a UART controller
  • tlb directory
    • base.spec Declares some TLB state variables and internal functions
    • instructions.spec Defines TLB instructions
    • translate.spec Defines the TLB address translation function
    • types.spec Defines TLB entry types