Musical Face is an app which lets you play songs from Spotify based on your facial expression.
Your Expression | Neural Networks | Spotify songs based on expression |
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Musical Face brings a blend of images and audio to the end user of this application. Not everytime is it convinient for one to use voice/manual input to play songs based on mood. Musical Face uses sophisticated CNN and RNN models to play songs based on the expression of the user. A happy face unlocks 10 happy songs on Spotify for the user looking in his/her webcam.
*The data source for images comes from a very common challenge from Kaggle for Facial Expression Recognition of B&W images.
*The song dataset comes from MoodyLyrics: A Sentiment Annotated Lyrics Dataset. This serves as data for training the RNN model.
The architectue consists of a CNN model, which is trained on 28,709 examples and validated on 3,589 examples, predicts the emotion of person as following:
Face Expression | Code |
Angry | 0 |
Disgust | 1 |
Fear | 2 |
Happy | 3 |
Sad | 4 |
Surprise | 5 |
Neutral | 6 |
The architecture of the CNN is as follows:
Conv2D layers: 64, (3,3) Dropout : 0.25 128, (5,5) Dropout : 0.25 512, (3,3) Dropout : 0.5 512, (3,3) Dropout : 0.1 Activation for all Conv2D : tanh Fully Connected Layers: 256, ReLU, Dropout(0.5) 512, ReLU, Dropout(0.5) 7, Softmax BatchNormalization at all layers
Since the labelled dataset of songs had 4 emotions, angry, happy, sad and relaxed, the above 7 emotions were clubbed as follows:
Face Expression | Clubbed Emotion for song |
Angry, Disgust | Angry |
Fear, Sad | Sad |
Happy | Happy |
Surprise, Neutral | Relaxed |
The architecture of RNN is as follows:
Embedding layer - in (600) out(600,50) LSTM- in (600,50) out(32) Dense- in(32) Activation(ReLU) out(256) Dropout(0.2) Dense- in(256) Activation(Softmax) out(4)
The RNN model was trained on 1648 songs' lyrics and validated on 413 songs' lyrics. The model is then used for classification of 56000 songs' lyrics into the aforementioned 4 emotions.
The accuracy of CNN model reaches 61.49% and that of RNN is 84.5%.
Files and usage:
* : training of CNN model for facial expression classification. * : training of RNN model for songs' emotion classification based on lyrics. * file to be run from command prompt with usage as:
python --choice <your choice> --modelpath <path to saved cnn model>
0: for webcam
1: for local saved image
modelpath: path to saved cnn model or exp_detector6149.h5 can be used for default.
client_id and client_secret should be provided from oneself and can be accessed by Spotify Developer Dashboard. Details can be found here.
Attached is a screenshot of the expected output after running on the terminal:
*Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition