Hosted on Heroku, here
CampFire is a web application designed to encourage recent bootcamp grads to connect, share their experiences during the job search process, and share the projects that they're working on to get others who are interested on board.
Who else knows the experience of a bootcamp graduate than a graduate themselves? We designed this app to help graduates foster the community needed to aid in the job search process and the learning of languages/technologies through a help board. All in one single hub.
At minimum, this app will satisfy the following criteria with smooth, bug-free navigation:
- New user sign up and sign in + authentication.
- User Profile, complete with picture, description, contact info (LinkedIn, Github and personal portfolio) and projects that they've worked on/currently working on.
- Search functionality that allows for search based on user, technology/stack and help topic.
- Ability to live chat with other users.
- Production README.
This web app with be built using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js)
Some technical challenges:
- Connecting the front-end with a NoSQL back-end database.
- Understanding and implementing web-sockets and providing smooth user-to-user messaging.
- Learning the MEAN stack.
- A jobs tab that shows interview questions, recruiter contact information and open positions.
- A help tab where people ask other grads if they've encountered issues regarding a certain technology/language.
- Direct messaging between users.
- Project CRUD which displays a user's projects, ideas and proposals.
- Allow users to comment/like job posts, help questions and live chat messages.
- Initial project setup and authentication.
- Looked over tutorials on the MEAN stack.
- Finalized the look for the user profile, the user dashboard and the splash page
Atai Chynaliev, Isis Moran, Ujwal Battar, Yukichi Kawada
- Setup Atai/All
- User Authentication Atai/All
- Full Proposal Isis/Ujwal
- User profile Yukichi
- Live chat Isis/Ujwal
- Start with basic search functionality Atai
- Categories (tech stacks/languages) Atai
- Room Atai
- User profile Yukichi
- Live chat Isis/Ujwal
- Routes/Controllers/DB models Atai/All
- Ideas tab Ujwal
- Jobs tab Isis
- Help tab Yukichi
- Finish whatever is pending Atai
- CSS styling and catching up on anything that may be pending All
- Comments Ujwal
- Likes Isis
- Seeding data All
- Direct Messaging Atai/Yukichi
- Refining and catching up on anything that may be pending All
- Improve UI/UX design All