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LORIS Module Testing

John Saigle edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 4 revisions

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For information on running integration tests for LORIS locally, please read the testing README.


  1. The following instructions are in beta. Please report any inconsistencies or unclear information.
  2. Don't forget to replace $LORIS$ with the path to your Loris installation
  3. Don't forget to replace $ModuleName$ with the actual name of your module

📝 Testing Procedure

Step 1: Write a Test Plan

  • A test plan consists of a text file containing a set of steps (written in plain English) that a tester needs to follow in order to test the functionality of a given module. These include but are not limited to permission verification (view/edit), button and link clicks, display of appropriate results, etc
  • Create your test plan under $LORIS$/modules/$ModuleName$/test/

Step 2: Add integration tests

  • Integration tests consist of a set of automated tasks to test the module in the browser. These attempt to automate the execution of common user actions loosely based on those described in the Test Plan
  • Note: Attempting to automate as many Test Plan tasks as possible is highly encouraged
  • Selenium (browser automation software) is used in order to run integration tests. To run them on a remote VM, X11 forwarding needs to be used to display GUI on a local machine
  • Add your integration tests to $LORIS$/modules/$ModuleName$/test/$ModuleName$Test.php

📝 X11 Overview

In current tutorial X11 is used in order to run an application remotely on the server (VM) and see an associated UI locally (on local machine)

In order for this to work, X11 server needs to be installed and launched on the local machine, listening for the incoming connections.

Once you launch X11 locally and SSH to VM using -X option, you could forward requests from your remote SSH session to X11 server.

💻 Setup on Local Machine

1) Install Firefox 45.0

2) Install X11/XQuartz

  • After downloading and installing X11 on your machine make sure to reboot it
  • After reboot your global display variable should be set to an auto-generated X11 path
  • Verify it using echo $DISPLAY
  • If the output is blank, your install wasn't successful or you didn't reboot the computer
  • If the DISPLAY variable is properly set, launch X11 server on your local machine

💻 Setup on remote Virtual Machine

0) Login

  • SSH to your VM using -X parameter
  • i.e ssh -X user@localhost

1) Install X11

sudo apt-get install xorg openbox

2) Install Firefox 45

Step 1: Download

#32 bit 

#64 bit

Step 2: Extract

tar -xjf firefox-45.0.tar.bz2

Step 3: Move the Firefox 45 folder to opt

#Remove the older version of firefox if it's there
sudo rm -rf /opt/firefox
sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox45

Step 4: Create Symbolic link for New Firefox as default

sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefoxold
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox45/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Step 5: Test

Running firefox command should open a new firefox window in local instance of X11

Note: If you get a "DISPLAY" error, go back to step 1 setup on local machine :(

3) Install and Run Selenium

Prerequisite: you need to have Java installed

Important: make sure you are logged in to SSH with -X option

  • SSH to your VM using -X parameter
  • i.e ssh -X user@localhost

Step 1: Download Selenium

cd ~ # Home folder can be changed to folder of preference
sudo wget

Step 2: Launch Selenium Server

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar

# The launch can take a couple of minutes
# Once you see "Selenium Server is up and running" message, the server is ready to use
# Note: The server must remain running for the duration of testing (i.e you need to ssh -x again in the new tab to continue tutorial)

4) Set up DB connection for testing

Step 0: Go to Loris test folder

cd $LORIS$/test/

Step 1: Update config.xml

Under <database> tag update the following information with your own.


Step 2: Update

Update information for host, database, username and password on top of the file, with information entered above.

Step 3: Update phpunit.xml

Add a module you want to test under <testsuite>

<testsuite name='Loris Module Integration Tests'>

5) Add your tests

Under $LORIS$/modules/$ModuleName$/test/ create a file $ModuleName$Test.php with the following content:

 * $ModuleName$ automated integration tests
 * PHP Version 5
 * @category Test
 * @package  Loris
 * @author   John Appleseed <[email protected]>
 * @license GPLv3
 * @link

require_once __DIR__ .

 * $ModuleName$ module automated integration tests
 * PHP Version 5
 * @category Test
 * @package  Loris
 * @author   John Appleseed <[email protected]>
 * @license GPLv3
 * @link
class $ModuleName$Test extends LorisIntegrationTest

    // All functions that start with test...() will be run
    // for this integration test

     * Test the page load
     * @return void
    public function testPageLoads()
        $this->safeGet($this->url . '/$ModuleName$/');

        // In order to test the successful page load, retrieve an 
        // element on the page using its css selector and compare its
        // text to the asserted value. 
        // (e.g. retrieve Browse string from browse tab)
        $selector = WebDriverBy::cssSelector("#tab-browse");
        $text = $this->webDriver->findElement($selector)->getText();
        $this->assertContains("Browse", $text);

    // Add more tests here


Note: for more examples of integration test files see:

  1. Document Repository
  2. Candidate List
  3. Any other existing Loris module

6) Run integration tests

Under $LORIS$/test/ run:

./ - runs tests for all modules

./ $ModuleName$ - runs test for a specific module

Expect the following output for passing and failing tests:

# Success
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

# Fail
Tests: X, Assertions: X, Errors: X.

7) Pray 🙏


This tutorial is provided to you by Alex with special thanks to Shen, StackOverflow and countless hours of debugging! 💪

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