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ace510 committed Dec 5, 2019
0 parents commit f22c259
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Showing 5 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import random

''' (1,0,0,3,99)
[0] is opcode (1 Add, 2 multi, 99 Halt)
[1] is operand 1
[2] is operand 2
[3] output location
add 1(0) t0 1(0) and store in 3
[3] = 1
input_clean = [1,12,2,3, # 3 1, 12, 2, 3
1,1,2,3, # 7
1,3,4,3, # 11
1,5,0,3, # 15
2,13,1,19, # 19
1,9,19,23, # 23
2,23,13,27,# 27
1,27,9,31, #
2,31,6,35, #
1,5,35,39, #
1,10,39,43, #
2,43,6,47, #
1,10,47,51, #
2,6,51,55, #
1,5,55,59, #
1,59,9,63, #
1,13,63,67, #
2,6,67,71, #
1,5,71,75, #
2,6,75,79, #
2,79,6,83, #
1,13,83,87, #
1,9,87,91, #
1,9,91,95, #
1,5,95,99, #
1,5,99,103, #
2,13,103,107, #
1,6,107,111, #
1,9,111,115, #
2,6,115,119, #
1,13,119,123, #
1,123,6,127, #
1,127,5,131, #
2,10,131,135, #
2,135,10,139, #
1,13,139,143, #
1,10,143,147, #
1,2,147,151, #

# 1202 program alarm
# input[1] = 12
# input[2] = 2

def orbital_comp(noun, verb):
input_dirty = input_clean[:]
halting = False
index = 0
input_dirty[1] = int(noun)
input_dirty[2] = int(verb)
while not halting:
output = 0
op_code, output_loc = input_dirty[0+index], input_dirty[3+ index]
operand1, operand2 = input_dirty[input_dirty[1+ index]], input_dirty[input_dirty[2+ index]]
# op_code = input_dirty[0+index]
# operand1 = input_dirty[input_dirty[1+ index] ]
# operand2 = input_dirty[input_dirty[2+ index] ]
# output_loc = input_dirty[3+ index]

if op_code == 1:
output = operand1 + operand2
elif op_code == 2:
output = operand1 * operand2
elif op_code == 99:
halting = True
halting = True
input_dirty[output_loc] = output
index += 4
return input_dirty[0]

return_value = 42069
while return_value != 19690720:
noun = random.randrange(0,100)
verb = random.randrange(0,100)
return_value = orbital_comp(noun, verb)

90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
with open('day3data.txt','r') as input_file:
payload1 = input_file.readline()
payload2 = input_file.readline()

payload1lines = payload1.split(',')
payload2lines = payload2.split(',')

U is up
D is down
R is right
L is left

def calc_line(payloadlines):
wire_length = 0
payloadpoints = set()
payloaddict = {}
for i in payloadlines:
x_vec= 0
y_vec= 0

if i[0] == 'U':
y_vec = 1
elif i[0] == 'D':
y_vec = -1
elif i[0] == 'R':
x_vec = 1
elif i[0] == 'L':
x_vec = -1
raise ValueError

magnitude =int(i[1:])

# print(f"moving {magnitude} with x equalling {x_vec} and y equalling {y_vec}")

for _ in range(magnitude):
x += x_vec
y += y_vec
wire_length += 1
payloaddict[(x,y)] = wire_length

# print(f"current coordinates are {x},{y}")

return payloaddict
print('simulating Gibson routes')

payload1dict = calc_line(payload1lines)
payload2dict = calc_line(payload2lines)

print('Gibson routes simulated, hacking Gibson')
def mergeDict(dict1, dict2):
dict3 = {**dict1, **dict2}
for key, value in dict3.items():
if key in dict1 and key in dict2:
dict3[key] = [value , dict1[key]]

return dict3

overlay_dict = mergeDict(payload1dict, payload2dict)

search_space = len(overlay_dict)
search_index = 0.0
skinny_dict = {}

for key, value in overlay_dict.items():
search_index += 1
if len(value) > 1:
skinny_dict[key] = value
print(search_index/ search_space)
except TypeError:
distance_pair = 0

for key,value in skinny_dict.items():
trial_value = value[0] + value[1]
if trial_value < distance:
distance = trial_value
distance_pair = (key, value)

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions day3data.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@

start = 357253
end = 892942
decrease_set = list()
subsequent_set = list()

for i in range(start, end + 1):
digits_increase = True
first_num = 0
i_str = str(i)

while digits_increase and first_num < 6:
for second_num in range(first_num+1,6):
if i_str[first_num] > i_str[second_num]:
# print(f"{i_str} does not suffice")
# print(f'{i_str[first_num]} is less than {i_str[second_num]}')
digits_increase = False
first_num += 1

if digits_increase:

for i in decrease_set:
subsequent_same = False
index = 0
while not subsequent_same and index < 5:
if index == 0 and i[index] == i[index+1] and i[index] != i[index+2]:
subsequent_same = True
elif index == 4 and i[index] == i[index+1] and i[index] != i[index-1]:
subsequent_same = True
elif i[index] == i[index+1] and i[index] != i[index-1] and i[index] != i[index+2]:
subsequent_same = True
index += 1

if subsequent_same:

for i in subsequent_set:

78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
input_clean = [3,225,1,225,6,6,1100,1,238,225,104,0,1102,35,92,225,1101,25,55,225,1102,47,36,225,1102,17,35,225,1,165,18,224,1001,224,-106,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,1001,224,3,224,1,223,224,223,1101,68,23,224,101,-91,224,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,101,1,224,224,1,223,224,223,2,217,13,224,1001,224,-1890,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,1001,224,6,224,1,224,223,223,1102,69,77,224,1001,224,-5313,224,4,224,1002,223,8,223,101,2,224,224,1,224,223,223,102,50,22,224,101,-1800,224,224,4,224,1002,223,8,223,1001,224,5,224,1,224,223,223,1102,89,32,225,1001,26,60,224,1001,224,-95,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,101,2,224,224,1,223,224,223,1102,51,79,225,1102,65,30,225,1002,170,86,224,101,-2580,224,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,1001,224,6,224,1,223,224,223,101,39,139,224,1001,224,-128,224,4,224,102,8,223,223,101,3,224,224,1,223,224,223,1102,54,93,225,4,223,99,0,0,0,677,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1105,0,99999,1105,227,247,1105,1,99999,1005,227,99999,1005,0,256,1105,1,99999,1106,227,99999,1106,0,265,1105,1,99999,1006,0,99999,1006,227,274,1105,1,99999,1105,1,280,1105,1,99999,1,225,225,225,1101,294,0,0,105,1,0,1105,1,99999,1106,0,300,1105,1,99999,1,225,225,225,1101,314,0,0,106,0,0,1105,1,99999,1008,677,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,329,101,1,223,223,7,677,677,224,102,2,223,223,1006,224,344,101,1,223,223,108,677,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,359,1001,223,1,223,7,677,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,374,1001,223,1,223,1107,677,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,389,1001,223,1,223,107,226,677,224,102,2,223,223,1005,224,404,1001,223,1,223,1108,226,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,419,101,1,223,223,107,226,226,224,102,2,223,223,1005,224,434,1001,223,1,223,108,677,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,449,101,1,223,223,108,226,226,224,102,2,223,223,1006,224,464,1001,223,1,223,1007,226,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,479,101,1,223,223,8,677,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,494,101,1,223,223,1007,226,677,224,102,2,223,223,1006,224,509,101,1,223,223,7,226,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,524,101,1,223,223,107,677,677,224,102,2,223,223,1005,224,539,101,1,223,223,1008,677,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,554,1001,223,1,223,1008,226,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,569,1001,223,1,223,1108,226,226,224,102,2,223,223,1005,224,584,101,1,223,223,1107,226,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,599,1001,223,1,223,8,226,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1006,224,614,1001,223,1,223,1108,677,226,224,102,2,223,223,1005,224,629,1001,223,1,223,8,226,226,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,644,1001,223,1,223,1107,677,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,659,1001,223,1,223,1007,677,677,224,1002,223,2,223,1005,224,674,101,1,223,223,4,223,99,226]
input_var = 1

input_dirty = input_clean[:]
halting = False
index = 0

def reverse(string):
output = "".join(reversed(string))
return output

while not halting:
output = 0
instruction_length = 4

opcode_and_param = reverse(str(input_dirty[0+index]))
print(f'the whole parameter bundle is{opcode_and_param}')

op_code = opcode_and_param[:1].rstrip('0')
print(f'the opcode is {op_code}')

operand1_mode = opcode_and_param[2]
except IndexError:
operand1_mode = 0
operand2_mode = opcode_and_param[3]
except IndexError:
operand2_mode = 0
output_loc_mode = opcode_and_param[4]
except IndexError:
output_loc_mode = 0

if operand1_mode ==1:
operand1 = input_dirty[1+ index]
operand1 = input_dirty[input_dirty[1+ index] ]

if operand2_mode ==1:
operand2 = input_dirty[1+ index]
operand2 = input_dirty[input_dirty[2+ index] ]

if output_loc_mode == 1:

output_loc = input_dirty[3+ index]

if op_code == 1:
output = operand1 + operand2
elif op_code == 2:
output = operand1 * operand2
elif op_code == 3:
instruction_length = 2
output_loc = input_dirty[1+ index]
output = input_var
elif op_code == 4:
instruction_length = 2
output = None
elif op_code == 99:
halting = True
print(f'opcode {op_code} not found halting')
halting = True
if output:
input_dirty[output_loc] = output
index += instruction_length

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