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Folders and files

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Mar 20, 2017
68a7de4 · Mar 20, 2017


8 Commits
Mar 5, 2017
Mar 19, 2017
Mar 20, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
Mar 20, 2017
Mar 19, 2017
Feb 27, 2017
Mar 19, 2017
Mar 19, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
Mar 7, 2017

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A containered, open source, API first JAM Stack for building content management systems - based on Docker, node.js, Redis, CouchDB, elasticsearch and HAProxy.


The only thing you need on your machine to get started is docker and docker-compose.

Development Setup

1.) Copy example.env to .env and change settings accordingly.

2.) Create the necessary docker volumes:

docker volume create --name=poltergeist_couchdb
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_redis
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_elasticsearch
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_prodcerts

3.) Generate self-signed SSL certificate for development:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run certgen-dev

4.) Start the whole stack in development mode (and detach):

docker-compose up --build -d

5.) Setup CouchDB in development:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run setup-couchdb-dev

6.) Populate Database If you have Markdown files with yaml frontmatter, you can directly import them as documents into CouchDB. Create the folder that will hold your Markdown documents:

mkdir -p volumes/couchdb/import/articles
mkdir -p volumes/couchdb/import/pages

Copy Markdown files into the corresponding folder and import them (this only works locally in development mode):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run import-couchdb-articles
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run import-couchdb-pages

7.) If you're on a Linux flavour, you have to raise the virtual memory max map count and disable Transparent Huge Pages on the Docker host:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

8.) Install node.js packages via Lerna:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run setup-api-dev

9.) Restart the whole stack with everything set up:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build

10.) Make the stack locally accessible via (sub-)domain in your hosts file:
  • TODO: dnsmasq setup

Production Setup

0.) Set A-Records for the following subdomains: api, db,search and let them propagate.

1.) Copy example.env to .env and change settings accordingly.

2.) Create the necessary docker volumes:

docker volume create --name=poltergeist_couchdb
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_redis
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_elasticsearch
docker volume create --name=poltergeist_prodcerts

3.) Generate valid SSL certificate via Letsencrypt:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run -p 80:80 certgen-prod

4.) Start the whole stack in production mode:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

5.) Setup CouchDB: This only works with proper DNS record for your domain and working SSL certificates (even if self-signed):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run setup-couchdb-prod

6.) Populate Database If you have Markdown files with yaml frontmatter, you can directly import them as documents into CouchDB. Create the folder that will hold your Markdown documents:

mkdir -p volumes/couchdb/import

Copy Markdown files into the import folder and import them (this only works locally):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run import-couchdb-data

7.) If you're on a Linux flavour, you have to raise the virtual memory max map count and disable "Transparent Huge Pages" on the Docker host:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

8.) Install node.js packages via Lerna:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run setup-api-dev

9.) Restart the whole stack with everything set up:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

System service

Move the poltergeist repository to /opt/poltergeist or make a symlink. Install systemd services to start the poltergeist stack on boot:

cp setup/systemd/poltergeist* /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable poltergeist.service
systemctl enable poltergeist-certgen-prod.timer
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start poltergeist.service
systemctl start poltergeist-certgen-prod.timer

Check if your stytemd timer is working correctly (this will periodically renew SSL certifiates if necessary via Letsencrypt):

systemctl list-timers --all


Make a backup of the databases and certificates:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup-couchdb
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup-redis
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup-elasticsearch
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup-prodcerts

Restore a previously made backup:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run restore-couchdb
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run restore-redis
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run restore-elasticsearch
docker-compose -f docker-compose.admin.yml run restore-prodcerts


Delete all .DS_Store files:

find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete

Attach to "Docker for Mac" Socket (press Enter to login)

screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty

Software stack

  • Docker (1.13.0 (15072))
  • Docker-Compose (1.10.0, build 4bd6f1a)
  • node.js (Docker image: node:7.6.0-alpine)
  • Lerna (2.0.0-beta.38)
  • hapi (15.2.0)
  • HAProxy (Docker image: haproxy:1.7.2-alpine)
  • CouchDB (Docker image: klaemo/couchdb:2.0.0)
  • Redis (Docker image: redis:3.2.7-alpine)
  • elasticsearch (Docker image:
  • logstash (Docker image: logstash:5.2.1-alpine)

Prior art (kinda)


Poltergeist is BSD licensed.