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Add support for SYSTEMC_HOME environment variable #45

Add support for SYSTEMC_HOME environment variable

Add support for SYSTEMC_HOME environment variable #45

Workflow file for this run

name: cmake
on: [push, pull_request]
SYSTEMC_ROOT_HOME: "${{github.workspace}}/systemc"
CCI_ROOT_HOME: "${{github.workspace}}/build"
ESC: '\'
name: "Build"
fail-fast: false
systemc_version: [2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4]
- name: ubuntu
version: 20.04
cxx_compiler: g++-9
c_compiler: gcc-9
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: ubuntu
version: 20.04
cxx_compiler: clang++-9
c_compiler: clang-9
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
deps: 'clang-9'
- name: ubuntu
version: 22.04
cxx_compiler: g++-11
c_compiler: gcc-11
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: ubuntu
version: 22.04
cxx_compiler: clang++-11
c_compiler: clang-11
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
deps: 'clang-11'
- name: macos
version: 11
cxx_compiler: g++
c_compiler: gcc
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: macos
version: 11
cxx_compiler: clang++
c_compiler: clang
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: macos
version: 12
cxx_compiler: g++
c_compiler: gcc
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: macos
version: 12
cxx_compiler: clang++
c_compiler: clang
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: windows
version: 2019
cxx_compiler: clang++
c_compiler: clang
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: windows
version: 2019
cxx_compiler: g++
c_compiler: gcc
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: windows
version: 2019
cxx_compiler: msvc
c_compiler: msvc
generator: "Visual Studio 16 2019"
- name: windows
version: 2022
cxx_compiler: clang++
c_compiler: clang
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: windows
version: 2022
cxx_compiler: g++
c_compiler: gcc
generator: "Unix Makefiles"
- name: windows
version: 2022
cxx_compiler: msvc
c_compiler: msvc
generator: "Visual Studio 17 2022"
runs-on: ${{}}-${{matrix.os.version}}
- name: Setup environment vars
if: != 'windows'
run: |
echo "SYSTEMC_HOME=${SYSTEMC_ROOT_HOME}/${{matrix.systemc_version}}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "CCI_HOME=${CCI_ROOT_HOME}/release-sc_${{matrix.systemc_version}}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
echo "NPROC=1" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
- name: Setup environment vars (Windows)
if: == 'windows'
run: |
echo "SYSTEMC_HOME=${env:SYSTEMC_ROOT_HOME}/${{matrix.systemc_version}}" | Out-File -FilePath ${env:GITHUB_ENV} -Append
echo "CCI_HOME=${env:CCI_ROOT_HOME}/release-sc_${{matrix.systemc_version}}" | Out-File -FilePath ${env:GITHUB_ENV} -Append
echo "NPROC=${env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}" | Out-File -FilePath ${env:GITHUB_ENV} -Append
echo "ESC=``" | Out-File -FilePath ${env:GITHUB_ENV} -Append
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: 'recursive'
- name: Setup Dependencies Ubuntu
if: == 'ubuntu'
run: |
echo "NPROC=$(nproc)" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
sudo apt-get update -y -qq
sudo apt-get install -y \
rapidjson-dev \
- name: Setup Dependencies MacOS
if: == 'macos'
run: |
echo "NPROC=$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
brew install \
rapidjson \
- name: Setup Dependencies Windows
if: == 'windows'
run: |
# add mingw to path to find clang
echo "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin" >> ${GITHUB_PATH}
choco install wget ${{matrix.os.deps}}
git clone ${{github.workspace}}/rapidjson
cd ${{github.workspace}}/rapidjson
git checkout v1.1.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -- -j ${{env.NPROC}}
cmake --build . --target install
- name: Cache SystemC ${{matrix.systemc_version}} (${{matrix.os.cxx_compiler}})
id: cache-SystemC
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{env.SYSTEMC_HOME}}
key: ${{}}-${{matrix.os.version}}-cmake-systemc-${{matrix.systemc_version}}-${{matrix.os.cxx_compiler}}
- name: Setup SystemC
if: steps.cache-SystemC.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
mkdir -p ${{env.SYSTEMC_HOME}}
mkdir -p ${{github.workspace}}/tmp/systemc-${{matrix.systemc_version}}
cd ${{github.workspace}}/tmp/systemc-${{matrix.systemc_version}}
wget ${{env.SYSTEMC_URL}}/${{matrix.systemc_version}}.tar.gz
tar -xvf ${{matrix.systemc_version}}.tar.gz
cd systemc-${{matrix.systemc_version}}
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ${{env.ESC}}
-G "${{matrix.os.generator}}" ${{env.ESC}}
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${{matrix.os.cxx_compiler}} ${{env.ESC}}
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${{matrix.os.c_compiler}} ${{env.ESC}}
cmake --build . --config Release -- -j ${{env.NPROC}}
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
- name: Configure
run: |
mkdir -p ${{env.CCI_HOME}}/build
cd ${{env.CCI_HOME}}/build
cmake ${{env.ESC}}
-G "${{matrix.os.generator}}" ${{env.ESC}}
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${{matrix.os.cxx_compiler}} ${{env.ESC}}
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${{matrix.os.c_compiler}} ${{env.ESC}}
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${{env.SYSTEMC_HOME}}/lib/cmake/SystemCLanguage ${{env.ESC}}
- name: Build
working-directory: ${{env.CCI_HOME}}/build
run: |
cmake --build . --config Release -- -j ${{env.NPROC}}
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
- name: Test
working-directory: ${{env.CCI_HOME}}/build
run: |
cmake --build ./examples --config Release --target check