Code for my short wavelength (blue) light /attention experiment, conducted at Monash University. Includes paradigm files (matlab/psychtoolbox), data processing/analysis files (matlab/eeglab) and Inferential Statistics/data analysis files (R)
Newman, D.P., Lockley, S.W., Loughnane, G.M., Martins, A.C.P., Abe, R., Zoratti, M.T.R., Kelly, S.P., O’Neill, M.H., Rajaratnam, S.M.W., O’Connell, R.G., & Bellgrove, M.A. (2016). Ocular exposure to blue-enriched light has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and spatial attention. Scientific Reports. 6, 27754. doi:10.1038/srep27754.
##Paradigm Files: The paradigm was run on a 32-bit windows XP machine using MATLAB (MathWorks) and the Psychophysics Toolbox extensions (Brainard, 1997; Cornelissen, Peters, & Palmer, 2002; Pelli, 1997).
The paradigm script is "DiscreteDots4Patch4_22_05_2014.m" The other scripts/functions in the "Paradigm Files" folder are called by "DiscreteDots4Patch4_22_05_2014.m"
##To reproduce inferential statistics and plots: Run Blue_Enriched_light_Markdown.Rmd using R with Rstudio
##Full Analysis Pipeline:
###Raw Data The raw data are available here on FigShare and are open access and available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
###In Matlab, run scripts to process raw eeg files: (note: can skip steps 1 and 2 because they are just for finding noisy eeg channeles, which have already been found listed in 'runafew_BL.m' for step 3)
- 'getChannelVars_BL.m' - to extract a measure of electrode noise
- 'Check4badchans_BL.m' - checks for noisy channeles, you manually list any noisy channeles in 'runafew_BL.m'
- 'runafew_BL.m' - calls 'Dots_Discrete_Upper_Lower_ET.m' to extract ERP, Alpha, and Pupil Diameter epochs
- 'getAlphaROIs_BL.m' - extracts and saves individualised ROI electrodes for each partivipant's pre-target alpha measurements
- 'Extract_for_R_BL.m' - extracts trial-by-trial data (behavioural, EEG/ERP, pupil) and saves to .csv for import into R for inferential analysis
- Blue_Enriched_light_Markdown.Rmd
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.