A report by Alec Barker on how quarantining and other protective measures have slowed the spread of COVID-19.
This project was created for PHY 299: Scientific Modeling & Data Analysis that was taught by Dr. Colin Campbell at the University of Mount Union.
Running the provided code will produce four graphs:
- The daily confirmed cases.
- The daily confirmed cases compared to the SIR model values (zoomed in).
- The daily confirmed cases compared to the SIR model values (zoomed out).
- The SIR model daily values.
Additionally, some statistics will be printed to the console, including:
- Number of confirmed infected individuals for the latest date.
- Number of infected individuals for the latest date according to the SIR model.
- Total length of the pandemic before COVID-19 dies off (less than one infected individual) according to the SIR model.
- Total number of infected individuals during the entire pandemic according to the SIR model.
- Total number of individuals that never get infected during the entire pandemic according to the SIR model.
- Peak number of individuals infected during a single day and the date of the peak according to the SIR model.
- Install Matplotlib and SciPy.
- Download the daily situation update from the ECDC website in CSV format.
- Rename the CSV file as covid19_data and move it to the Data Files folder.
- Run data_scraper.py.
- Adjust data values in covid19_sir.py if needed.
- Run covid19_sir.py.