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ECE 5560 Fall 2016 Project (Group 1)


This document contains a brief walkthrough of our code, with specific note to any changes we made.

CoAP Code

After examining the Californium codebase, we decided it would be easiest to simply modify one of the existing demo applications. To that end, we modified the following files: and

and created the following file:

Each of these files is explained below.

To run these demos, you'll need to have Maven and a Java JDK installed. Go to the root californium folder and run

mvn clean install -DskipTests

You'll need to do this twice - once to build the client, and once to build the server. In between builds, you'll need to modify the pom.xml file in the demo-apps/cf-secure folder. Specifically, change line 20 from "SecureServer" to "SecureClient". Note that the corresponding jar file in demo-apps/run will be overwritten, so you'll need to copy it to a new folder between runs as well.

This file (as the name suggests) contains the CoAP client code. Our primary modifications to this file included setting the preshared key, adding the timing code, and adding a flag to enable or disable the use of DTLS encryption at will.

The first modification, setting the preshared key, occurs on line 84:

builder.setPskStore(new StaticPskStore("password", "sesame".getBytes()));

Obviously, this is a very weak password, but it suffices for our purposes. The "builder" object referred to here is a DTLSConnectorConfig.Builder object; this contains the configuration information for the DTLS connection.

The second modification, the timing code, occurs on lines 115-118:

long start = System.nanoTime();
response = client.get();
long end = System.nanoTime();

We simply wrap the GET request with two calls to System.nanoTime(), which returns a high-resolution counter.

The final modification, adding a flag to enable or disable DTLS encryption, occurs on lines 147-150:

boolean encrypt = false;
if ((args.length > 0) && args[0].equals("--encrypt")) {
    encrypt = true;

If this flag is set on the command-line, we specifically set the CoAP client to pass through the DTLS connector on lines 109-111:

if (encrypt) {
    client.setEndpoint(new CoapEndpoint(dtlsConnector, NetworkConfig.getStandard()));

This file contains the CoAP server code. Our primary modifications to this file included adding a flag to enable or disable the use of DTLS encryption at will, adding a custom resource to the server, and setting the preshared key.

The first modification, adding the flag to enable or disable the use of DTLS encryption, occurs on lines 62-65 and acts in the same manner as in the client code above.

If this flag is set on the command-line, we specifically set the CoAP server to pass all connections through a DTLS connector on lines 109-110. If it is not set, we simply create an unencrypted endpoint on line 112.

if (encrypt) {
    server.addEndpoint(new CoapEndpoint(connector, NetworkConfig.getStandard()));
} else {
    server.addEndpoint(new CoapEndpoint(new InetSocketAddress("", COAP_PORT), NetworkConfig.getStandard()));

The second modification, adding a custom resource to the server, involves creating a new MyCoapResource object (see below for details). Whenever a client references the "secure" object on the server, this resource is returned. This modification occurs on line 68.

CoapServer server = new CoapServer();

The final modification, setting the preshared key, occurs on line 84 and is also identical to the CoAP client code above.

This file contains the test payload for our experiments. On construction, the flatland.txt file is opened and read into memory. Whenever the server then receives a GET request for this resource, the text is returned. On the server side, we time this response (though we do not use this data in our report, as the server was run on our secondary platform).


We utilized the Eclipse Paho and Mosquitto projects for our MQTT tests. Both of these will need to be installed (in addition to Python 2.x) to run our MQTT code. We also used the PyCrypto library for manual AES encryption.

The MQTT code consists primarily of two scripts that we wrote: and

We also manually generated test certificates and configured the broker to use these as needed (see the additional files in the Paho folder).

This file contains the code for the publisher in our setup (note: we based our data in our report on the publisher running on the test platform).

The first feature to note is the MyClient class. The only change we make here to the default MQTT client class is in the onPublish method, which is called after a message has successfully been transmitted to the broker. As we wanted to time the difference between sending a message with and without encryption, this was a logical function to use as the termination of our timing code.

class MyClient(mqtt.Client):
    ''' Subclass of Paho MQTT client '''
    def on_publish(self, client, userdata, mid):
        ''' This function is called *after* a message has been successfully
            transmitted. We use this as our indication of when to finish timing
            the client's publish command. '''

        global end_time

        end_time = time.time()

Next, moving to the main function, we see the bulk of the program logic. First, we set up TLS on line 44 if the approriate flag is set on the command line:

if args.tls:
    client.connect('', port=8883)
    client.connect('', port=1883)

We begin timing on line 53. This captures the cost of using no encryption, performing manual encryption, or using TLS.

If manual encryption is enabled, we pad the message text appropriately on line 64 and encrypt it using the PyCrypto AES class on line 65.

if args.encrypt:
    obj ='key123456789abcd', 
              'Initialization V')
    blen = len(book)
    rem = blen % 16
    # Pad text if necessary
    if rem != 0:
        book = ''.join([book, '0'*(16-rem)])
    sendmsg = obj.encrypt(book)

Finally, we actually publish the message on line 71:

client.publish("hello/world", sendmsg)

This file contains the subscriber code. We did not time the subscriber in our report. Please see the comments in the file for more information. In general, though, the subscriber follows the same flow as the publisher - just in reverse.


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