- http://mtekk.us/code/breadcrumb-navxt/
- Installing involved adding a breadcrumbs div to the page.php file above the page h1
- Contents of breadcrumbs are determined by the parent/child relationships defined when editing the page
- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/responsive-select-menu/
- Configured in the theme. When activated, a Responsive Select link appears with the current theme when you view the Manage Themes page.
- Using that menu, set Maximum Menu Width to 979px and Menu Depth Limit to 2
- First Item Name is the text that appears before you have pulled down the select list. Currently set to IT Connect Topics
- The Sub Item Spacer is currently just -
- The dropdowns.php file was edited to have only the select menu appear
- Contents in the menu are determined in the regular Menus page. NOTE: The UW Marketing theme desktop view only handles two levels. It blows up if you have a menu with three or more levels
This theme extends the University of Washington WordPress Theme. You'll need to install it to your themes directory as well:
- https://github.com/uweb/UW-Wordpress-Theme
- Activate "UW Theme Child"