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Getting started contributing

  • First of all clone repository.

    $ git clone --recursive
  • Go into useful directory and copy deluge,docker and docker-compose aliases to your alias file.

    • zsh - ~/.zsh_aliases
    • bash - ~/.bash_aliases
  • Set environment variables.

    • export DEFAULT_MODE='unit'
  • Add entry to the /etc/hosts

    • If you run docker containers on the docker-machine, than check your docker-machine ip and pass it to the /etc/hosts
    $ docker-machine ip
    $ sudo bash -c `echo " <ip>" >> /etc/hosts`
    • Otherwise set localhost
    $ sudo bash -c `echo " localhost" >> /etc/hosts`
  • Open new terminal and go into docker dev directory, if there is no such alias than you should check - Are aliases were preloaded?

    $ godd
  • Run postgres service which serve as database.

    $ dc up -d postgres
  • Migrate m-backend database.

    $ dc run m-ethwallet migrate
  • Run ethwallet tests.

    $ dc run m-ethwallet test --verbosity 2 ethwallet.tests.unit


  • If you use docker-machine than you must download project only in user directory.


  • m-ethwallet - main ethwallet service.
  • w-ethwallet - ethwallet worker service (celery).
  • frontend - frontend service.
  • postgres - postgres service (postgres data are stored separately, even if you remove service the data would be persisted).
  • rabbitmq - queue service.
  • redis - redis service (needed as backend for rabbitmq tasks store).
  • ethnode - go client docker service with turned on RPC support.

Alias info

  • god - go to the DELUGE_PATH directory.

  • godd - go to the docker dev directory (in order to run docker service)

  • gods - go to the services directory.

  • gods <service> - go to the <service> project directory.

  • dcinit <mode> - init start mode, default mode is DEFAULT_MODE .

    • unit
      • external systems like coinbase and ethwallet are mocked.
      • internal systems like router are mocked.
      • generally, only postgres service is required to be up in order to start tests.
      • celery workers are not working and code is executing in main process.
    • integration
      • external systems like coinbase are mocked.
      • ethwallet service might working in private net or might be mocked (it dependence).
      • postgres, rabbitmq, celery, router services are required to be up in order to start tests.
      • celery workers are working and celery tasks are executing in another processes.
    • (for more information please read in the docker directory)
  • dc(b| build) <service> - build service.

  • dc(r| run) <service> - run service.

  • drmc <regex> - delete containers that much regex expression.

  • drmi <regex> - delete images that much regex expression.

  • dc(l| logs) <service> - output service logs.

  • di - list all images.

  • dps - list all working containers.

  • ideluge - init sensitive information that is needed for backend start.


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