This module is required to send messages to email.
All settings in the file /includes/config.php
$config["module"]["notify"] = array(
"SMTP" => true, // SMTP enable
"SMTPHost" => "", // SMTP Server
"SMTPPort" => 26, // SMTP Port
"SMTPAuth" => true, // SMTP use authorise
"SMTPSecure" => "ssl", // SMTP Secure
"SMTPUsername" => "yourname@youdomain", // SMTP Username
"SMTPPassword" => "yourpassword" // SMTP Password
If debugging is enabled sends a message, the message is do not go to the post office, but are created as separate files in the folder /cache/eml. In this folder /cache/eml should have write access (chmod 777).
$config['module']['notify'] = array(
"totestfile" => true
Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Alexander Kuzmin
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)