Lasagna is a lightweight platform for visualising for 3D volume data. Lasagna features a flexible plugin system, allowing it to be easily extended using Python and PyQt. Visualisation is peformed via three linked 2D views. Lasagna was written to explore registration accuracy of 3D data, guide registration, and overlay point data onto images. It was also written to help explore the Allen Reference Atlas. Lasagna is under heavy development but is maturing rapidly. For more information see the website.
Lasagna runs on Python 3, PyQt5, and uses PyQtGraph for the plotting and requires the following modules:
- PyLibTiff
- pynrrd
- numpy
- pyqtgraph >0.10.0
- MatplotLib
- yaml [and pyyaml]
- Scipy [optional - ARA explorer]
- Scikit-Image [optional - ARA explorer]
- PyQt5
- tifffile [optional for importing LSM files]
- vtk [optional, for faster import of MHD files but doesn't work in Python 3]
On Linux you can install most of the above via your package manager
with the remaining packages being installed via pip3
to Lasagna
directory to run the pip3
install line) :
apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-pyqt5 python3-numpy python3-matplotlib
python3-scipy python3-sip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
This command installs the dependencies in your home folder.
If you add the --upgrade
flag, pip3
will also install newer
vesions of packages already in the system path.
There is currently no vtk
support in Python 3.
If you run into problems try installing the dependencies separately (see below).
For other platforms, please see here
On Mac you will first need to Install HomeBrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
The install Python 3 and a couple of other packages without which you won't be able to install the rest of the dependencies:
brew install freetype pkg-config python3
Now you can install the dependencies in requirements.txt using:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
If for some reason this fails, try installing the dependencies seperately:
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib
After the first run, Lasagna creates a preferences file in the .lasagna
hidden directory in your home directory.
You may need to edit this file to make Lasagna aware of its built in-plugins. i.e. edit the pluginPaths preference.
This step isn't user-friendly, sorry.
See the website.
Even the master branch is currently unstable (although should always be usable).