Leiningen plugin to work with local Maven repository.
Either install as a plugin:
$ lein plugin install lein-localrepo "0.3"
Or, include as a dev-dependency:
:dev-dependencies [lein-localrepo "0.3"]
$ lein localrepo coords <filename>
$ lein localrepo coords foo-bar-1.0.6.jar
foo-bar-1.0.6.jar foo-bar/foo-bar 1.0.6
$ lein localrepo install <filename> <[groupId/]artifactId> <version>
$ lein localrepo install foo-1.0.6.jar com.example/foo 1.0.6
$ lein localrepo install foomatic-1.3.9.jar foomatic 1.3.9
$ lein localrepo coords /tmp/foobar-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar | xargs lein localrepo install
$ lein localrepo list [-s | -f | -d]
$ lein localrepo list # lists all artifacts, all versions
$ lein localrepo list -s # lists all artifacts with description
$ lein localrepo list -f # lists all artifacts and filenames
$ lein localrepo list -d # lists all artifacts with detail
$ lein localrepo remove <[groupId/]artifactId> [<version>]
$ lein localrepo remove com.example/foo # removes all versions
$ lein localrepo remove foomatic # removes all versions
$ lein localrepo remove com.example/foo 1.0.3 # removes only specified version
On Twitter: @kumarshantanu
On Leiningen mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/leiningen
Copyright (C) 2011 Shantanu Kumar
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.