This is a simple task management application built using NestJS, ReactJS, and MySQL.
- Task creation, editing, and deletion
- User CRUDS and role based authorization
- NestJS (Backend)
- ReactJS + JoyUI (Frontend)
- MySQL (Database)
- Docker (Containerization)
- Passport / JWT (Authentication)
- TypeScript
- API Docs (Swagger)
- Ensure Docker 🐳` engine and docker-compose is installed and running. Note :- Docker Desktop verion used 4.16.2
- Start the Application (FE + BE + DB)
- Rebuild and start the application
./scripts/ build
- Stop the application
Note :- Since time was of the essence, Unit tests/E2E tests are not included in the current version, but will be added soon
- Application ports
Frontend will be available on http://localhost:3001
Backend will be available on http://localhost:3000
Swagger API Docs will be available on http://localhost:3000/api
Database will be available on http://localhost:3306
- Pre seeded user authentication details
username: admin1
password: password1
role : admin
username: user1
password: password2
role : user