This project is a MERN stack Employee Management System built with React.js for the front-end, Node.js with Express for the back-end, and MongoDB as the database.
- User authentication
- Employee listing with DataTables
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for employees
- Image upload for employee profiles
- React.js
- React Router for navigation
- Axios for API requests
- Bootstrap for styling
- DataTables for employee listing
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB for database
- Multer for file uploads
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies for both front-end and back-end
- Set up MongoDB and update connection string
- Start the back-end server
- Start the front-end development server
username: admin
password: 123
- GET /employee/get - Fetch all employees
- GET /employee/get/:id - Fetch a single employee
- POST /employee/create - Create a new employee
- PUT /employee/update/:id - Update an employee
- DELETE /employee/delete/:id - Delete an employee
- /login - User login
- /dashboard - Main dashboard
- /employee-list - List all employees
- /create-employee - Create a new employee
- /edit-employee/:id - Edit an existing employee
- server.js: Main server file
- Login.js: Handles user login
- Employee.js: Handles all employee-related API routes
- LandingPage.js: Landing page
- Dashboard.js: Main dashboard
- Header.js: Navigation component
- EmployeeList.js: Displays all employees using DataTables
- CreateEmployee.js: Form for creating a new employee
- EmployeeEdit.js: Form for editing an existing employee
Employee profile pictures are uploaded and stored in the /media
directory on the server.
- Add user roles and permissions
- Add more detailed employee information
- Improve error handling and user feedback