This is a sample application template to show how different languages and build runners can be combinated to build an unified and streamlined buld/deploy-chain
This template is based on the sample for angularjs. Therefore, the following technologies came in place for the application itself
- AngularJS
- ASP.NET WebAPI (SelfHosted)
What do you need to build?
- NodeJs
- gulp in global (npm install gulp-cli -g)
- bower in global (npm install bower -g)
- git (available in PATH)
- .NET SDK 4.5.1 (Windows 8.1 SDK,
- Microsoft Build Tools 2013 (, from
- NuGet.exe for Packageing (place it in PATH) from
Alternative: Build with Gradle
- Requirements: Java
gradlew ToDoSample.WebApp:gulp_inject
builds the web app (npm install, npm install bower (not incremental), bower install, gulp inject)gradlew ToDoSample.WebApi:msbuild
builds the web api (triggers msbuild) - does not work due to package restore problem- Pros: same build on build machine and on server, no additional installation other than Java, easy changing of build tool version (i.e. node)
- Cons: abstraction over an abstraction (if you decide to go with gradle, do not have another underlying build tool like gulp, implement this logic in gradle)
- ERROR: I can no longer open the solution in Visual Studio
- Baby steps with gulp.js:
- A Beginners Guide to Package Manager Bower and Using Gulp to Manage Components Beginneers
- gulp-inject:
- Set Working Directory in gulpfile:
- Bower Dependencies sorted by dependency: