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Concordia University

Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering MECH

6311 Automation with Computer Vision

Final Report

Name ID

Rouzbeh Sedighi 40085069

Roshkumar Panakkal Nandakumar 40104382

Abdullah Alhoothy 40075668

Computer vision aided 3D printer :


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Program Flow Chart ................................................................................................................................. 4

  • small sections of program (the original and interesting parts),
    • Interesting part #
    • Interesting part #
    • Interesting part #
    • Interesting part #
    • Interesting part #
  • Appendix
    • Shape Detection code
    • Composite colour filter implmentation
  • Figure 1 Shadow detected as Object
  • Figure 2 RGB compsite filter detection.....................................................................................................
  • Figure 3 RGB regular color detection
  • Figure 4 Perfect Square radii....................................................................................................................
  • Figure 5 detected squar radii
  • Figure 6 Single Pixel color consideration
  • Figure 7 five Pixel color consideration......................................................................................................
  • Figure 8 color Intesnity histogram
  • Figure 9 Regular thresholding
  • Figure 10 Multiple Ranged thresholding


This report summrizes our project “VisionBot” and provides highlights the process flow of the program. The

main aim of the project is to use camera feedback to analyis shape,colour size,location and center of an

object placed on the 3d printer’s bed and send commands the 3d printer to move to the location of the

object and trace it’s cerumference

We started the project using OpenCV for 3 months before knowing we are not allowed to use external


Also this project was executed by 3 members only who’s names are on the cover page

Program Flow Chart

Activate Camera &
initialize images
Move Printer to
home location
Move up the printer
to cover bed
Get an image from
Convert RGB to
Binary image Scale image
Apply Threshold
Invert image
Apply erosion &
Find centroid of
binary image
Calculate Hue value
of the centroid of
binary image in RGB
Detect the color of
object by Hue value
Calculate centroid of
RGB image regarding
color of object
Calculate distance of
the centroid to
center of screen
Move printer to the
centroid as the same
elevation of previous
Re-calculate centroid
of RGB image and
distance to center of
Draw points on the
Edge of the object
Shape Detection
regarding points on
the edge
Move down the
printer and touch
Touch points on the

small sections of program (the original and interesting parts),

Original Part Gripper (Code Appendix Link)

A gripper has been attached to the 3d printer, that will grip the object and put it somewhere else

Interesting part

Program is able to trace any object not just square or circle.RGB trace(Code Appendix link)

Interesting part

Due to shadows, binary thersholding and gray scale image processing did not prefurm well , we replaced it

with RGB image processing

Figure 1 Shadow detected as Object

Code Snippet (Appendix link)

Interesting part

In RGB image detection, using one color indecator didn’t prefurm well if the object had color variation due to

light intensity on one side and not the other. To fix it we made composite filters that detect color difference.

In case of orange Orangness = R-G and Difference = Red – Green

Figure 2 RGB regular color detection (^) Figure 3 RGB compsite filter detection

Code Snippet (Appendix link)
if (colorName == "red")
{ int difference = r - b;
int orangeness = r - g;
if (r > 100 && orangeness < 70 && difference > 25 && b < 110)
//orange detection && g < 110//if (r > 120 && g < 110 && b < 100)
{ n++;
int i = q % 640;
Si += i; Sj += (q - i) / 640; }}

Interesting part

we decided to go an extra step and do shape detection relying on radius measurment to make decisions on
the object in question. By using radius measurement from 8 differen’t angle starting with the maximum
radius and then incrementing 45degrees
Note: a perfect square has maxium distance from centroid to one of it’s corners = r , distance to the shortest
size = sin45*r
Below is a histogram showing radius distribution over 360degrees or 6.28 rad. Difference between expected
and actual was added as error margin in the code

Code Snippet (Appendix Link)

if (r_max*.90 < r_120 && r_120 < r_max*1.10 && shape_detected == 0)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_240 && r_240 < r_max*1.10)
{// circle shape detection
if (r_max*.90 < r_45 && r_45 < r_max*1.10 && shape_detected == 0)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_90 && r_90 < r_max*1.10)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_180 && r_180 < r_max*1.10)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_225 && r_225 < r_max*1.10)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_270 && r_270 < r_max*1.10)
{if (r_max*.90 < r_315 && r_315 < r_max*1.10)
{printf("\nshape is circle");
shape_detected = 1;

Interesting part

becuase of different lighting conditions sometimes light reflection appearsd as white color on the object to
resolve this condition we used a method of processing 5 pixel in a row to ensure that we reached to the
edge(edge detection function)

Radius of a square




Radius of a square

Figure 5 detected squar radii

Figure 7 five Pixel color consideration......................................................................................................

Code Snippet (Appendix Link)

if (R > 110 && orangeness < 60 && difference > 25 && B < 110) { rTemp = r; pn = 0; } else { if (pn > 5) { r = rTemp; break; } else{ pn++;}}}

Interesting part # 5

To remove some dark shadow we defined a new threshold function. This function applys differen’t

thresholds to differen’t ranges of colors

Figure 8 color Intesnity histogram

Code Snippet (Appendix Link)

// threshold operation for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (pa[i] < maxtvalue && pa[i]> mintvalue) pb[i] = 0; else pb[i] = 255;} return 0;}


(^102) 114.... 127.5140.... (^153) 165.... 178.5191.... (^204) 216.... 229.5242.... Threshold typical intensity

Figure 6 Single Pixel color consideration

Figure 10 Multiple Ranged thresholding

Figure 7 after 5 pixel processing


Shape Detection code

r_45 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 0.78535, colorName, rgb); r_90 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 1.5707, colorName, rgb); r_120 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 2.0942, colorName, rgb); r_135 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 2.35605, colorName, rgb); r_180 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 3.1414, colorName, rgb); r_225 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 3.92675, colorName, rgb); r_240 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 4.18853, colorName, rgb); r_270 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 4.7121, colorName, rgb); r_315 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, th_max + 5.49745, colorName, rgb); // triangle shape detection if (r_max*.90 < r_120 && r_120 < r_max1.10 && shape_detected == 0) {if (r_max.90 < r_240 && r_240 < r_max1.10) {// circle shape detection if (r_max.90 < r_45 && r_45 < r_max1.10 && shape_detected == 0) {if (r_max.90 < r_90 && r_90 < r_max1.10) {if (r_max.90 < r_180 && r_180 < r_max1.10) {if (r_max.90 < r_225 && r_225 < r_max1.10) {if (r_max.90 < r_270 && r_270 < r_max1.10) {if (r_max.90 < r_315 && r_315 < r_max1.10) {printf("\nshape is circle"); shape_detected = 1; }}}}}} if (shape_detected == 0) {printf("\nshape is triangle"); shape_detected = 1; }}} // square shape detection if (r_max.90 < r_90 && r_90 < r_max1.10 && shape_detected == 0) {if (r_max.90 < r_180 && r_180 < r_max1.10) {if (r_max.90 < r_270 && r_270 < r_max*1.10) {printf("\nshape is square"); shape_detected = 1; }}} if (shape_detected == 0) {printf("\n unknown shape"); }

Composite colour filter implmentation

if (colorName == "red") { int difference = r - b; int orangeness = r - g; if (r > 100 && orangeness < 70 && difference > 25 && b < 110) //orange detection && g < 110//if (r > 120 && g < 110 && b < 100) { n++; int i = q % 640; Si += i; Sj += (q - i) / 640; }} else if (colorName == "green") { int difference = g - r; int greenness = g - b; if (r < 60 && greenness > 30 && difference > 25 && g > 50 && b < 100) {n++;

int i = q % 640; Si += i; Sj += (q - i) / 640; }

RGB Centroid

int RGBcentroid(image &rgb, double &ic, double &jc, string colorName){ int q = 0; int k = 0; int n = 0; int Si = 0; int Sj = 0; ibyte r, g, b; ic = 0; jc = 0; // number of pixels in image int size = rgb.height * rgb.width * 3; for (k = 0; k < size; k += 3) { // components are stored in the order B-G-R // B0 G0 R0 B1 G1 R1 .... Bsize-1 Gsize-1 Rsize- 1 b = rgb.pdata[k]; g = rgb.pdata[k + 1]; r = rgb.pdata[k + 2]; if (colorName == "red") { int difference = r - b; int orangeness = r - g; if (r > 100 && orangeness < 70 && difference > 25 && b < 110) //orange detection && g < 110 { n++; int i = q % 640; Si += i; Sj += (q - i) / 640; }}

RGB five point

double object_radiusRGB5points(double ic,double jc,double beta,string colorName,image &rgb) { double r = 0.0, dr, r_max, rTemp; int i, j, k, width, height, q, pn = 0; ibyte pa; width = rgb.width; height = rgb.height; pa = rgb.pdata; dr = 0.5; // use 0.5 pixels just to be sure r_max = 180; // limit the max object radius size to something reasonable for (r = dr; r < r_max; r += dr) { i = ic + rcos(beta); j = jc + rsin(beta); //cout << "\n I = " << i << "\nJ = " << j; // limit i and j in case it gets out of bounds -> wild pointer if (i < 0) i = 0; if (i >= width) i = width; if (j < 0) j = 0; if (j >= height) j = height; // convert i,j to image coord k int B = pa[3 * (width(int)(j)+(int)(i))]; int G = pa[3 * (width*(int)(j)+(int)(i)) + 1]; int R = pa[3 * (width*(int)(j)+(int)(i)) + 2]; if (colorName == "red") { int difference = R - B;

int orangeness = R - G; //R > 100 && orangeness < 70 && difference > 25 && B < 110 if (R > 110 && orangeness < 60 && difference > 25 && B < 110) { rTemp = r; pn = 0; } else { if (pn > 5) { r = rTemp; break; } else { pn++; }}}

Multi-range thresholding

int threshold_new(image &a, image &b, int maxtvalue, int mintvalue) // binary threshold operation // a - greyscale image // b - binary image // tvalue - threshold value { i4byte size, i; ibyte *pa, *pb; // initialize pointers pa = a.pdata; pb = b.pdata; // check for compatibility of a, b if (a.height != b.height || a.width != b.width) { printf("\nerror in threshold: sizes of a, b are not the same!"); return 1;} if (a.type != GREY_IMAGE || b.type != GREY_IMAGE) { printf("\nerror in threshold: input types are not valid!"); return 1;} // number of bytes size = (i4byte)a.width * a.height; // threshold operation for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (pa[i] < maxtvalue && pa[i]> mintvalue) pb[i] = 0; else pb[i] = 255;} return 0;}

RGB trace

void perimeter2(image &rgb, double &ic, double &jc, string colorName, float GeometricRatio, double PerimeterDistance[36][2]) { double X0distance = 0.0; double Y0distance = 0.0; double X1distance = 0.0; double Y1distance = 0.0; //double r1 = object_radius(ic, jc, 0, 1, label, rgb0); double r0 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, 0, colorName, rgb); //cout << "\nradius 1=" << r1 / GeometricRatio; // x and y direction actual distance from centroid PerimeterDistance[0][0] = r0cos(3.14159 * 0 / 180) / GeometricRatio; // r1 in this case since angle is zero PerimeterDistance[0][1] = r0sin(3.14159 * 0 / 180) / GeometricRatio; // 0 in this case since angle is zero X0distance = PerimeterDistance[0][0]; Y0distance = PerimeterDistance[0][1]; int n = 0; for (int i = 10; i < 351; i += 10) { n++; double r1 = object_radiusRGB5points(ic, jc, 3.14159 * i / 180, colorName, rgb);

X1distance = r1cos(3.14159 * i / 180) / GeometricRatio; Y1distance = r1sin(3.14159 * i / 180) / GeometricRatio; PerimeterDistance[n][0] = X1distance; PerimeterDistance[n][1] = Y1distance;}}

Gripper close code

void closeGripper(HANDLE &h2) { char buffer[64]; char s1[1000]; // declare an output string stream of max NMAX charaters ostrstream sout2(buffer, 64); // declare an input string stream of max SMAX charaters istrstream sin2(s1, 1000); // set sout position to beginning so we can use it again sout2.seekp(0); sout2 << "2"; // move without extrusion sout2 << '\0'; // terminate the string so strlen can function // note the C++ compiler seems to hate "\0" n = strlen(buffer); // number of bytes to send (excludes \0) // for debugging cout << "\nn = " << n; cout << "\nbuffer = " << buffer; // send the close command to the gripper serial_send(buffer, n, h2); Sleep(100);}


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