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abbodi1406 committed Feb 13, 2023
1 parent c43a0da commit 540e83b
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Showing 5 changed files with 47 additions and 36 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ to get high-compressed solid ESD files (require high amount of CPU/RAM), edit th
## Credits

* OnePiece [DXTool](
* Melinda Bellemore [SxSExpand](
Binary file added ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD/bin/SxSExpand.exe
Binary file not shown.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD/esd2cab_CLI.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
title ESD -^> CAB
cd /d "%~dp0"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" equ "AMD64" (set "arch=x64") else (set "arch=x86")
for %%A in (image%arch%.exe,cabarc.exe) do (
for %%A in (image%arch%.exe,cabarc.exe,SxSExpand.exe) do (
if not exist "bin\%%A" (set "MESSEGE=%%A is not detected."&goto :fin)
if not exist "*.esd" (set "MESSEGE=No .esd files detected."&goto :fin)
for %%p in ("bin\image%arch%.exe") do set "IMAGEX=%%~fp"
for %%p in ("bin\cabarc.exe") do set "CABARC=%%~fp"
for %%p in ("bin\SxSExpand.exe") do set "SXS=%%~fp"
set "tempdir=temp%random%"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.esd') do call :esdcab "%%i"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a:-d *.esd') do call :esdcab "%%i"
set "MESSEGE=Done."
goto :fin

Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ echo ============================================================
echo Create:
echo ============================================================
pushd "%tempdir%"
md _sxs
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a:-d *.manifest') do ("%SXS%" %%a _sxs\%%a >nul)
if exist "_sxs\*.manifest" move /y _sxs\* . >nul
rd /s /q _sxs\
"%CABARC%" -m LZX:21 -r -p N "" *.* >nul
IF %ERRORTEMP% NEQ 0 (set "MESSEGE=Errors were reported during process."&goto :fin)
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD/esd2cab_GUI.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
title ESD -^> CAB
cd /d "%~dp0"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" equ "AMD64" (set "arch=x64") else (set "arch=x86")
for %%A in (image%arch%.exe,DXTool_%arch%.exe) do (
for %%A in (image%arch%.exe,DXTool_%arch%.exe,SxSExpand.exe) do (
if not exist "bin\%%A" (set "MESSEGE=%%A is not detected."&goto :fin)
if not exist "*.esd" (set "MESSEGE=No .esd files detected."&goto :fin)
for %%p in ("bin\image%arch%.exe") do set "IMAGEX=%%~fp"
for %%p in ("bin\DXTool_%arch%.exe") do set "DXTOOL=%%~fp"
for %%p in ("bin\SxSExpand.exe") do set "SXS=%%~fp"
set "tempdir=temp%random%"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.esd') do call :esdcab "%%i"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a:-d *.esd') do call :esdcab "%%i"
set "MESSEGE=Done."
goto :fin

Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,12 @@ echo.
echo ============================================================
echo Create:
echo ============================================================
pushd "%tempdir%"
md _sxs
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a:-d *.manifest') do ("%SXS%" %%a _sxs\%%a >nul)
if exist "_sxs\*.manifest" move /y _sxs\* . >nul
rd /s /q _sxs\
start /HIGH /WAIT "" "%DXTOOL%" /CT "%tempdir%"
rd /s /q "%tempdir%" >nul 2>&1
Expand Down
62 changes: 30 additions & 32 deletions W10UI/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ Automated script to install or integrate updates for:

## Features:

* Supported targets:
- Current Online OS
- Offline image (already mounted directory, another partition)
- Distribution folder (extracted iso, copied dvd/usb)
- Distribution Drive (virtual mounted iso, inserted dvd, usb drive)
- WIM file directly (unmounted)

* Supports having updates in one folder:
- Detect and install servicing stack update first
- Skip installing non-winpe updates for boot.wim/winre.wim (flash, oobe, .net 4.x)
- Skip installing Adobe Flash update for Server Core or if the package is removed
- Handle dynamic updates for setup media 'sources' folder (skip installing it, extract it for distribution target)
* Supported targets:
> Current Online OS
Offline image (already mounted directory, another partition)
Distribution folder (extracted iso, copied dvd/usb)
Distribution Drive (virtual mounted iso, inserted dvd, usb drive)
WIM file directly (unmounted)

* Supports having updates in one folder:
> Detect and install servicing stack update first
Skip installing non-winpe updates for boot.wim/winre.wim (flash, oobe, .net 4.x)
Skip installing Adobe Flash update for Server Core or if the package is removed
Handle dynamic updates for setup media 'sources' folder (skip installing it, extract it for distribution target)

* Enable .NET Framework 3.5 if available source detected, and reinstall Cumulative updates afterwards.
valid locations: mounted iso, inserted dvd/usb, sxs folder for distribution target, custom specified folder path
Expand All @@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ you must run W10UI.cmd at least once after restart to perform Cleanup or Reset O
## Updated ISO recommendation:

* Creating updated iso file for a distribution target require either of:
- install Windows ADK
- place oscdimg.exe or cdimage.exe in the same folder next to W10UI.cmd

> install Windows ADK
place oscdimg.exe or cdimage.exe in the same folder next to W10UI.cmd
otherwise, embedded Powershell/.NET funcion `DIR2ISO` will be used to create the iso

## Limitations:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,45 +69,45 @@ avoid using them with the script and install them manually

Press each option corresponding number/letter to change it

1. Target
**1.** Target
target windows image, default is current online system
if a wim file is available besides the script, it will be detected automatically

2. Updates
**2.** Updates
location of updates files

**3.** DISM
the path for custom dism.exe
required when the current Host OS is lower than Windows NT 10.0 without ADK installed

4. Enable .NET 3.5
**4.** Enable .NET 3.5
process or skip enabling .NET 3.5 feature

5. Cleanup System Image: YES 6. Reset Image Base: NO
**5.** Cleanup System Image: YES **6.** Reset Image Base: NO
in this choice, the OS images will be cleaned and superseded components will be "delta-compressed"
safe operation, but might take long time to complete.

5. Cleanup System Image: YES 6. Reset Image Base: YES
**5.** Cleanup System Image: YES **6.** Reset Image Base: YES
in this choice, the OS images will be rebased and superseded components will be "removed"
quick operation and reduce size further more, but might break "Reset this PC" feature.

7. Update WinRE.wim
**7.** Update WinRE.wim
available only if the target is a distribution folder, or WIM file
enable or disable updating winre.wim inside install.wim

8. Selected Install.wim indexes
**7.** Selected Install.wim indexes
available only if the target is a distribution folder, or WIM file
a choice to select specific index(s) to update from install.wim, or all indexes by default

K. Keep indexes
**K.** Keep indexes
available only if you selected specific index(s) in above option 8
a choice to only keep selected index(s) when rebuilding install.wim, or keep ALL indexes

M. Mount Directory
**M.** Mount Directory
available only if the target is a distribution folder, or WIM file
mount directory for updating wim files, default is on the same drive as the script

E. Extraction Directory
**E.** Extraction Directory
directory for temporary extracted files, default is on the same drive as the script

## Configuration options (for advanced users):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,8 +143,7 @@ convert install.wim to install.esd, if the target is a distribution
warning: the process will consume very high amount of CPU and RAM resources

* wim2swm
split install.wim into multiple install.swm files, if the target is a distribution

split install.wim into multiple install.swm files, if the target is a distribution
note: if both wim2esd/wim2swm are 1, install.esd takes precedence over split install.swm

Expand All @@ -172,10 +170,10 @@ the option will also auto exit at the end without prompt
* The operation progress will not be shown in this mode

* How To:
- edit the script and change set _Debug=0 to 1
- set main manual options correctly, specially "target" and "repo"
- save and run the script as admin
- wait until command prompt window is closed and W10UI_Debug.log is created
> edit the script and change set _Debug=0 to 1
set main manual options correctly, specially "target" and "repo"
save and run the script as admin
wait until command prompt window is closed and W10UI_Debug.log is created

## Credits:

Expand Down

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