Releases: abap2UI5/samples
Releases · abap2UI5/samples
What's Changed
- Create by @bibber0612 in #409
- New apis by @oblomov-dev in #410
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #411
- fix new samples by @oblomov-dev in #412
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #413
- New Sample: Object Attribute inside Table by @francisco-milan in #414
- Update Demo 001 & Demo 021 for ABAP Cloud compatibility by @francisco-milan in #415
- New Sample: Object Page Header with Header Container by @cwildt in #416
- downport by @christianguenter2 in #417
- add expand/collapse-all buttons to samples overview by @christianguenter2 in #418
- Update Demo 085 and Demo 097 by @francisco-milan in #419
- Update abaplint.jsonc by @oblomov-dev in #420
- bool fix by @oblomov-dev in #422
- new sample with success and error sounds by @christianguenter2 in #423
- Update Demo 000 to resolve Eclipse warnings by @francisco-milan in #424
- Update Demo 297 to resolve ADT warnings by @francisco-milan in #425
- Update Demo 300 to resolve ADT warnings by @francisco-milan in #426
- add sample for table cell coloring by @christianguenter2 in #427
- 305: fix class description by @christianguenter2 in #428
- Update Demo 292 & Demo 293 to resolve ADT warnings by @francisco-milan in #429
- add ballog by @oblomov-dev in #430
- Update Demo 281 & Demo 293 to resolve ADT warnings by @francisco-milan in #431
- Update Demo 250, 259-fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #432
- camera sample by @oblomov-dev in #433
- Update Demo 213, 244-Fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #434
- Added Sample: Grid List - Drag and Drop by @cwildt in #435
- added list w drag to overview by @oblomov-dev in #436
- Update Sample 307 Overview by @cwildt in #437
- harvey chart by @oblomov-dev in #438
- Update Demo 002, 008-Fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #439
- 305: fix on_init by @christianguenter2 in #440
- Update Demo 014, 017-Fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #441
- Update Demo 031, 040-Fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #443
- refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #442
- added launchpad samples by @oblomov-dev in #445
- Update Demo 084 - Fix ADT warnings (ABAP Cloud) by @francisco-milan in #446
- ui5 2.x fixes by @oblomov-dev in #447
- New VizFrame Chart control demo by @axelmohnen in #448
- viz fixes + smart controls by @oblomov-dev in #449
- syntax refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #450
- Update z2ui5_cl_demo_app_312.clas.abap by @oblomov-dev in #451
- fix smart control sample by @oblomov-dev in #452
- odata samples by @oblomov-dev in #453
- Added Sample: URL Helper by @cwildt in #454
- update odata samples by @oblomov-dev in #455
- Update z2ui5_cl_demo_app_315.clas.abap by @oblomov-dev in #456
- Update z2ui5_cl_demo_app_315.clas.abap by @oblomov-dev in #457
- delete if_serial by @oblomov-dev in #458
- tree sample by @oblomov-dev in #460
- refactor switchDefaultModel to switchDefaultModelPath by @christianguenter2 in #461
- renaming fixes by @oblomov-dev in #462
- Added Demo for SmartMultiInput feature by @mzinnoecker in #463
- switch smart multiinput demo to travel odata servi by @oblomov-dev in #464
- Demo synch of tokens by @mzinnoecker in #465
- Added Sample Avatar Group by @cwildt in #466
- Update z2ui5_cl_demo_app_292.clas.abap by @obluhm in #467
New Contributors
- @bibber0612 made their first contribution in #409
- @mzinnoecker made their first contribution in #463
- @obluhm made their first contribution in #467
Full Changelog: 1.135.0...1.136.0
What's Changed
- new-ui5 by @oblomov-dev in #380
- refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #381
- refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #382
- New Sample: Object Marker in a table by @francisco-milan in #383
- Cleanup and refactoring Demo 259 by @francisco-milan in #384
- Cleanup and refactoring Demo 282 by @francisco-milan in #385
- Refactoring Demo 283 and Demo 266 by @francisco-milan in #386
- New Sample: Object List Item - markers aggregation by @francisco-milan in #387
- New Sample: Message Strip with enableFormattedText by @francisco-milan in #388
- New Demo-Breadcrumbs sample with current page link by @francisco-milan in #389
- New Sample: Link by @francisco-milan in #390
- New Sample: Date Picker Value States by @francisco-milan in #391
- new-ui5-app by @oblomov-dev in #392
- Set LP title for landing page by @christianguenter2 in #393
- add error handling by @oblomov-dev in #394
- New Sample: Date Range Selection - Value States - 2 by @francisco-milan in #396
- New Sample: Search Field by @francisco-milan in #397
- New Sample: Select with icons by @francisco-milan in #398
- New Sample: Select - Validation states by @francisco-milan in #399
- New Sample: Select - Wrapping text by @francisco-milan in #400
- update large table by @oblomov-dev in #401
- New Sample: Object Status by @francisco-milan in #402
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #403
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #404
- New Sample: Expandable Text by @francisco-milan in #405
- Update Demo 300 and 301 by @francisco-milan in #406
- Update .abapgit.xml by @oblomov-dev in #407
Full Changelog: 1.134.0...1.135.0
What's Changed
- Refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #322
- Split custom controls by @oblomov-dev in #323
- cleanup layout by @oblomov-dev in #324
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #325
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #326
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #327
- Refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #328
- New Sample: ImageContent by @francisco-milan in #329
- New Sample: Object Header with Circle-shaped Image by @francisco-milan in #330
- New Sample: LightBox by @francisco-milan in #331
- New Sample: Slide Tile by @francisco-milan in #332
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #333
- New Sample: Feed Content by @francisco-milan in #336
- New Sample: Monitor Tile by @francisco-milan in #337
- New Sample: KPI Tile by @francisco-milan in #338
- Update build_downport.yaml by @oblomov-dev in #340
- New Sample: Feed and News Tile by @francisco-milan in #339
- Update build_downport.yaml by @oblomov-dev in #341
- Data loss feature by @oblomov-dev in #344
- refactor data loss protection sample by @christianguenter2 in #345
- New Sample: Header Container - Vertical Mode by @francisco-milan in #346
- aktualisieren by @oblomov-dev in #347
- New Sample: Tile Statuses by @francisco-milan in #348
- cleanup by @oblomov-dev in #349
- Set tiles in extra category by @oblomov-dev in #350
- New Sample: InvisibleText by @francisco-milan in #351
- Added smaple with invalid date and time by @oblomov-dev in #352
- Update Demo 118 and New Demo 283 by @francisco-milan in #353
- adjust init time values demo by @oblomov-dev in #354
- delete deprecated samples by @oblomov-dev in #355
- add demo sizelimit by @oblomov-dev in #356
- update samples by @oblomov-dev in #357
- adjust labels by @oblomov-dev in #358
- sort order with enum by @oblomov-dev in #359
- New Sample: Flexible sizing - Toolbar by @francisco-milan in #360
- cleanup by @oblomov-dev in #361
- Update 152 - Popup to Select - with mutliselect feature by @christianguenter2 in #362
- cleanup by @oblomov-dev in #363
- update setup by @oblomov-dev in #364
- Update build_downport.yaml by @oblomov-dev in #365
- Update build_downport.yaml by @oblomov-dev in #366
- Update Demo 284 (Flexible sizing - Toolbar) by @francisco-milan in #367
- New Sample: Flexible sizing - Icon Tab Bar by @francisco-milan in #368
- refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #369
- Added sticky session demo by @oblomov-dev in #370
- New Sample: Std. List Item - Info State Inverted by @francisco-milan in #371
- New Sample: Standard List Item - Wrapping by @francisco-milan in #372
- Locks by @oblomov-dev in #374
- demo links fix by @oblomov-dev in #375
- update session sample by @oblomov-dev in #376
- update sticky sample by @christianguenter2 in #377
- deleted source code links and simplified nav_leave by @oblomov-dev in #378
- New Sample: Select by @francisco-milan in #379
Full Changelog: 1.133.0...1.134.0
What's Changed
- New Sample: Input - Suggestions Wrapping by @francisco-milan in #287
- New Sample: Splitter Layout - 2 areas by @francisco-milan in #288
- New Sample: Splitter Layout - 2 non-resizable areas by @francisco-milan in #289
- New Sample: Splitter Layout - 3 areas by @francisco-milan in #290
- New Sample: OverflowToolbar - Alignment by @francisco-milan in #291
- New Sample: Input - Description by @francisco-milan in #292
- New Sample: Flex Box - Render Type by @francisco-milan in #293
- Add missing parameters in Demo 244 by @francisco-milan in #294
- New Sample: Flex Box - Equal Height Cols by @francisco-milan in #296
- New Sample: Flex Box - Nested by @francisco-milan in #297
- New Sample: Flex Box - Navigation Examples by @francisco-milan in #298
- Update Demo 244 to display dashed boxes by @francisco-milan in #299
- New Sample: Fix Flex - Fix container size by @francisco-milan in #300
- aktualisieren by @oblomov-dev in #295
- New Sample: Generic Tag with Different Configs by @francisco-milan in #302
- Add a demo app for the side navigation by @LadwigDev in #303
- File location fix by @LadwigDev in #304
- New Sample: Button by @francisco-milan in #305
- New Sample: Nested Splitter Layouts - 7 Areas by @francisco-milan in #306
- aktualisieren by @oblomov-dev in #301
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #307
- New Sample: News Content by @francisco-milan in #308
- New Sample: Numeric Content of Different Colors by @francisco-milan in #309
- New Sample: Numeric Content with Icon by @francisco-milan in #310
- New Sample: Step Input - Value States by @francisco-milan in #311
- New Sample: Code Editor by @francisco-milan in #313
- New Sample: Toggle Button by @francisco-milan in #314
- New Sample: Multi Input - Value States by @francisco-milan in #315
- New Sample: Icon by @francisco-milan in #316
- Added Shell Bar Sample by @cwildt in #317
- Enhanced Shell Bar Sample by @cwildt in #318
- cleanup by @oblomov-dev in #319
- update by @oblomov-dev in #320
- Working shell bar with title mega menu sample by @cwildt in #321
New Contributors
- @LadwigDev made their first contribution in #303
- @cwildt made their first contribution in #317
Full Changelog: 1.132.0...1.133.0
What's Changed
- New Demo: Busy Indicator by @francisco-milan in #249
- New Demo: Action List Item by @francisco-milan in #250
- New Sample: Title Toolbar (1) by @francisco-milan in #251
- New sample: Flex Box Opposing Alignment by @francisco-milan in #252
- New Sample: Input List Item by @francisco-milan in #253
- adjust barcode sample by @oblomov-dev in #254
- New Demo: Rating Indicator by @francisco-milan in #255
- Deleting unnecessary code from Demo 214 by @francisco-milan in #256
- New Demo: Icon Tab Bar - Icons Only by @francisco-milan in #257
- New Demo: Icon Tab Bar - Text and Count by @francisco-milan in #258
- New Sample: Icon Tab Bar - Inline Mode by @francisco-milan in #259
- New Sample: Icon Tab Bar - Text Only by @francisco-milan in #260
- New Sample: Icon Tab Bar - Separator by @francisco-milan in #261
- New Sample: Icon Tab Bar - Sub tabs by @francisco-milan in #262
- rich text editor fix by @oblomov-dev in #263
- New Sample: Page, Toolbar & Bar by @francisco-milan in #264
- New Sample: Numeric Content Without Margins by @francisco-milan in #265
- New Sample: ComboBox Suggestions wrapping by @francisco-milan in #266
- New Sample: Segmented Button in Input List Item by @francisco-milan in #267
- New Sample: Date Range Selection by @christianguenter2 in #268
- New Sample: Multi Input - Suggestions Wrapping by @francisco-milan in #269
- Add missing whitespace characters in Demo 229 by @francisco-milan in #270
- New Sample: MultiComboBox - Suggestions wrapping by @francisco-milan in #271
- New Sample: Text Area Value States by @francisco-milan in #272
- New Sample: Toolbar vs Bar vs OverflowToolbar by @francisco-milan in #274
- New Sample: TextArea Growing by @francisco-milan in #275
- New Sample: Slider by @francisco-milan in #276
- New Sample: Message Strip by @francisco-milan in #277
- Fix Class Description - DEMO 214 and 215 by @francisco-milan in #278
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #279
- New Sample: Checkbox by @francisco-milan in #280
- New Sample: Switch by @francisco-milan in #281
- New Sample: Tile Content by @francisco-milan in #282
- New Sample: HTML by @francisco-milan in #283
- New Sample: Negative Margins by @francisco-milan in #284
- New Sample: FlexBox Size Adjustments by @francisco-milan in #285
- New Sample: FlexBox Direction & Order by @francisco-milan in #286
Full Changelog: 1.131.0...1.132.0
What's Changed
- added new demos to overview 00 by @oblomov-dev in #217
- fix f4 help by @oblomov-dev in #218
- Update Samples Layout and F4-Help by @abapsheep in #219
- Fix typo in demo 51 by @francisco-milan in #220
- Fix typos in z2ui5_cl_demo_app_000 by @francisco-milan in #221
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #222
- aktualisieren by @oblomov-dev in #223
- Update by @oblomov-dev in #224
- Add "Confirm" and "Alert" samples to Z2UI5_CL_DEMO_APP_008 by @francisco-milan in #226
- Fix Typo and Inconsistency in Color Naming (z2ui5_cl_demo_app_002) by @francisco-milan in #228
- Adjust text in MessageBox samples by @francisco-milan in #229
- Update Demo 110 by @francisco-milan in #230
- Fixing 3 typos by @francisco-milan in #231
- Update Layout by @abapsheep in #233
- Adjusting Title in Demo 88 by @francisco-milan in #234
- reorganize sample section with popups by @oblomov-dev in #235
- Sample Update by @abapsheep in #236
- New Demo: Flex Box Basic Alignment by @francisco-milan in #237
- New Sample based on Text - Max Lines from UI5 Demo Kit by @francisco-milan in #238
- New Demo for Radio Button and adjusting Demo 206 by @francisco-milan in #239
- New "Radio Button Group" Demo by @francisco-milan in #240
- New Demo: InfoLabel by @francisco-milan in #241
- New Demo: Input Types by @francisco-milan in #242
- Removing unnecessary code from Demo 209 by @francisco-milan in #243
- Sample with Issue by @abapsheep in #244
- New Demo: Input Password by @francisco-milan in #245
- New Demo: Standalone Icon Tab Header by @francisco-milan in #246
- Update Issue by @abapsheep in #247
- Update Issue by @abapsheep in #248
New Contributors
- @francisco-milan made their first contribution in #220
Full Changelog: 1.130.0...1.131.0
What's Changed
- Focus demo by @oblomov-dev in #203
- focus updates by @oblomov-dev in #204
- Util rtti fix by @oblomov-dev in #205
- suggestion demo by @choper725 in #206
- Layout V2 by @abapsheep in #207
- Suggestion list with CC filtering script by @axelmohnen in #208
- New Frontend Infos by @abapsheep in #209
- fix abapgit diffs by @oblomov-dev in #210
- delete bind clear by @oblomov-dev in #211
- wizard step subsequentStep & nextStep by @choper725 in #212
- refactor sample by @oblomov-dev in #213
- fix hard coding by @christianguenter2 in #214
- validator demo by @choper725 in #215
- Sample for F4-Help by @abapsheep in #216
Full Changelog: 1.129.0...1.130.0
model samples (#202) * model samples * update info cc with device info
Update Sample 199 (#198) Co-authored-by: Viktor Hoffmann <[email protected]>
What's Changed
- serialization example on cell level by @oblomov-dev in #172
- renaming popups by @oblomov-dev in #173
- serial fix by @oblomov-dev in #174
- Update Sample 190 by @abapsheep in #175
- fix copy&paste error by @christianguenter2 in #176
- add demos to overview by @oblomov-dev in #177
- demo 001 - with message toast new properties by @choper725 in #178
- messagebox demo by @choper725 in #179
- update description for overview by @oblomov-dev in #180
- Update build_downport.yaml by @oblomov-dev in #181
- demo fixes by @choper725 in #182
- Refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #183
- status indicator demo by @choper725 in #184
- update overview by @oblomov-dev in #185
- Update abaplint.jsonc by @oblomov-dev in #186
- new demo by @choper725 in #187
- update demo 197 - 198 by @choper725 in #189
- update overview by @oblomov-dev in #190
- facet filter - (event with objects - t_arg ) by @choper725 in #191
- refactoring by @oblomov-dev in #192
Full Changelog: 1.126.0...1.127.0