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The cycle-electron-driver module provides Cycle.js drivers for building Electron apps.

API mappings

If you are already familiar with the electron API, here's a map of its interface to drivers:



AppConfigDriver enables the getting/setting of configuration used by your app.

import { join } from 'path';
import { app } from 'electron';
import { AppPathsDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver';{ config: { appPaths } }) => ({
  appPaths: appPaths.appData$.map(dataPath => ({ downloads: join(dataPath, 'downloads') }))
}), {
  config: AppConfigDriver(app)


The source for the driver is an object with the following structure.

  • allowNTMLForNonIntranet$ - Gives the current allowNTMLForNonIntranet config setting.
  • paths - An object with observable properties that match the electron path names with the idiomatic $ suffix (e.g. home$, appData$). Additionally, an app$ property gives access to app.getAppPath().
  • task$ - An observable of Task arrays.


The sink for the driver is an observable of objects describing the configuration settings to change. The following structure is supported:

  • allowNTMLForNonIntranet - If set to true, enable NTLM auth for all domains. Otherwise, only intranet sites.
  • paths - An object with properties matching the electron path names. Only the specified paths are changed.
  • tasks: An array of Task objects (Windows only). These have the following properties:
    • program - The application executable; use process.execPath to use the currently-executing app executable.
    • arguments - An array of strings to use as program arguments
    • title - The title to give the task
    • description - The full description of the task
    • iconPath - Path to the icon to show for the task
    • iconIndex - If iconPath contains multiple icons, the index of the icon to use for the task


AppEventsDriver provides access to electron app events. It provides a source observable containing all events. To create the driver, simply call the constructor with the electron app:

import Cycle from '@cycle/core';
import { app } from 'electron';{ appEvent$ }) => ({
  fileOpen$: appEvent$.filter(e => e.type === 'file-open')
}), {
  appEvent$: AppEventsDriver(app)

These events have a type property that matches the names of the electron events. Additional event arguments are normalized into the event object properties as follows:

  • open-file - path
  • open-url - url
  • activate - hasVisibleWindows
  • browser-window-blur - window
  • browser-window-focus - window
  • browser-window-created - window
  • certificate-error - webContents, url, error, certificate
  • login - webContents, request, authInfo


AppLifecycleDriver provides visibility into application lifecycle events & the ability to affect the app lifecycle.


The source object has the following properties:


The sink for AppLifecycleDriver should provide objects describing the desired lifecycle state & behavior of the app. The following properties are supported:

Property Default Description
state 'started' Set to 'quitting' to initiate a quit event, 'exiting' to force an exit
exitCode 0 If state is set to 'exiting', sends this as the exit code
isQuittingEnabled true If false, before-quit events will be cancelled
isAutoExitEnabled true If false, will-quit events will be cancelled


AppMetadataDriver provides a source observable of objects describing the app. The objects have the following properties:

  • name
  • version
  • locale


AppVisibilityDriver consumes a sink of boolean values that show/hide the application's windows (OS X only).

import { app } from 'electron';
import { AppVisibilityDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver'; => {
  // ...
  return {
    visibility$: appState$.map(state => state.shouldHide)
}, {
  visibility$: AppVisibilityDriver(app)


BasicAuthDriver provides a source of HTTP basic auth prompts and consumes objects that provide the response credentials.

import { app } from 'electron';
import { BasicAuthDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver';{ login$ }) => ({
  login$: login$.map(e => ({
    event: e,
    username: 'someuser',
    password: 's0m3Pa$sw0rd'
}), {
  login$: BasicAuthDriver(app)

Source events are based on electron login events have the following properties:

  • webContents - The contents of the window that received the prompt
  • request - Information about the HTTP request that received the prompt
  • authInfo - Information about the auth prompt

Sink objects must be provided for each source event and must have the following properties:

  • event - The source event that is being responded to
  • username
  • password

If you do not use this driver, then the auth prompts are automatically cancelled. Use AppEventsDriver and watch for events of type login if you only want to observe these failed logins.


CertErrorOverrideDriver provides a source observable of events indicating when verification of a server's SSL certificate has failed, and consumes a sink observable of objects indicating whether the certificate rejection should be overridden. This driver should only rarely be needed, but it can be helpful for cases such as when you are using a self-signed certificate during development and want your app to accept that certificate. For example:

import { app } from 'electron';
import { CertErrorOverrideDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver';{ certErr$ }) => ({
  certErr$: certErr$.map(e => ({ event: e, allow: e.certificate.issuerName === 'My Test CA' }));
}), {
  certErr$: CertErrorOverrideDriver(app);

The source objects are based on electron certificate-error events and have the following properties:

  • webContents - The contents of the window that received the error
  • url - The URL being requested
  • error - The error code
  • - A buffer containing the PEM-formatted certificate
  • certificate.issuerName - The issuer of the certificate

Sink objects should have these properties:

  • event - The source event representing the certificate error
  • allow - A boolean true or false. If true, the SSL request will be allowed to continue. Else it will fail.

You must have one object for each source event; otherwise the driver does not know whether the certificate error should cause the SSL requests to succeed or fail. If you do not want to override any certificate errors, do not use this driver. If you only want to be notified when these events occur, filter the AppEventsDriver events by type certificate-error.


ClientCertDriver provides a source observable containing client SSL cert request events and consumes an observable of client certificate selection objects.

import { app } from 'electron';
import { ClientCertDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver';{ certSelection$ }) => ({
  certSelection$: certSelection$.map(e => ({ 
    event: e, 
    cert: e.certificateList.find(cert => cert.issuerName === 'My Issuer') 
}), {
  certSelection$: ClientCertDriver(app);

Source event objects are based on electron select-client-certificate events and have the following properties:

  • webContents - The contents of the window that received the certificate prompt
  • url - The URL that requested the certificate
  • certificateList - An array of available certificates, each of which have the following properties:
    • data - PEM-encoded buffer
    • issuerName - Issuer’s Common Name

Sink objects must be provided for each source event and must contain the following properties:

  • event - The source event representing the certificate prompt
  • cert - One of the objects from the source event's certificateList property

Do not use this driver if you want to keep the default electron behavior of always selecting the first client certificate. If you only wish to be notified when client certificates are being selected with the default behavior, use the AppEventsDriver and filter where type equals select-client-certificate.


RecentDocsDriver provides a sink for changing the recent documents of the app. Each object in the observable should contain one or more of the following properties:

  • clear - If set to true, the recent documents list for the app is cleared.
  • add - If set to a string, the path to a document to add to the recent documents list.
import Cycle from '@cycle/core';
import { app } from 'electron';
import { RecentDocsDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver'; => {
  return {
    recentDoc$: model.openedDoc$.map(doc => ({ add: doc }))
}), {
  recentDoc$: RecentDocsDriver(app)

Main process driver

To create the driver for the main process, call the MainDriver function with the Electron app:

import Cycle from '@cycle/core';
import { app } from 'electron';
import { MainDriver } from 'cycle-electron-driver';

function main(sources) {
}, {
  electron: MainDriver(app)


When constructing the main process driver, an optional second argument can provide the following options:

  • isSingleInstance - If set to true, only one instance of the application can be created. The extraLaunch$ source will emit when additional launches are attempted. This defaults to false.


The source object provided by MainDriver contains multiple properties and observables, most of which you will never need to use. To summarize the overall structure, it looks something like this:

events() :: String -> Observable

The platformInfo object provides the following information about the runtime platform:

  • isAeroGlassEnabled - (Windows only) whether DWM composition is enabled

The events source factory creates an Observable for raw electron app events.

function main({ electron }) {
  const readyEvent$ ='ready');

Note that events documented with more than one parameter will be truncated; only the Event portion will be received. It is recommended that you use one of the more normalized event sources listed below if you're handling an event.


When the isSingleInstance option is true, this observable indicates when blocked additional launches are attempted. Values are objects with the following properties:

  • argv - Array of command-line arguments used when this was launched
  • cwd - The working directory of the process that was launched

This Observable gives the current and future badge labels of the OS X dock icon.


The sink for the driver should be an observable that produces an object containing multiple sink observables. Any of these sinks can be omitted if not needed. The object properties can be summarized as follows:


Provide one of the following sinks to change the file path used by electron:

  • appData$ - The directory for application data
  • desktop$ - The directory for the user's desktop files
  • documents$ - The directory for the user's documents
  • downloads$ - The directory for the user's downloaded files
  • exe$ - The path to the application executable
  • home$ - The user's home directory
  • module$ - The path to the libchromiumcontent library
  • music$ - The directory for the user's music files
  • pictures$ - The directory for the user's image files
  • temp$ - The directory for storing temporary data
  • userData$ - The directory for storing user-specific application data
  • videos$ - The directory for the user's video files

The newChromiumParam$ sink should produce objects with the following properties:

  • switches - An Array of objects with a required switch and optional value property to be appended to the Chromium parameters
  • args - An Array of strings that will be used for additional command-line arguments to Chromium

Note that these are write-only and cannot be undone. In other words, you cannot remove a switch or argument once it has been included.


The dock property is a container for multiple OSX-specific sinks.


The bounce property of dock has the following observable properties:

  • start$ - This should be an Observable of objects with an id and type property. The type property should be a string equalling either critical or informational. id is an arbitrary string that should be unique and kept track of if you wish to cancel the bounce at a later time. Otherwise, it may be omitted.
  • cancel$ - This should be an Observable of string IDs; these IDs should correlate to the id used in the start$ observable objects.

This Observable should contain boolean values; true values will cause the dock icon to show, false to hide.


This sink causes the OS X badge label to be updated.


This sink sets the menu in the OS X dock for the application. See the electron documentation for details on what these values should be.


This sink sets the icon in the OS X dock. Values should be
NativeImage objects.


This sink should be an Observable of boolean values; when true, NTLM authentication is enabled for sites not recognized as being part of the local intranet.


This causes the Windows Application User Model ID to change to the values of the Observable.


Cycle.js drivers for electron apps







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