Synchronize setup and deployment for the Director.
After executing the below command, you can start validation.
openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json
The script checks the json file for missing passwords and usernames, it also checks that the MAC addresses contained within the file are unique. Lastly, it tests connections to bare metal nodes and confirm they are accessible.
The only argument for is -f to input a json file. By default this will search for instackenv.json.
In order to use the IPMI acccess checking feature, you’ll need to run the following command to install ipmitool on the undercloud node:
sudo yum -y install ipmitooli
The script takes the network-environment.yaml file which will be used to launch the overcloud as its input and checks for several things:
- Subnets do not overlap
- Allocation Pools should be part of the appropriate subnet
- VLAN IDs are unique per network
This is being done via a modification to the heat templates. This will use all the nodes available to ping the VLAN routers (if applicable) as well as the controller node and the default gateways on all nodes. If there is a failure it will show up in heat.
To apply these patches run:
cat patches/000* | (cd /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates; sudo patch -p1)
If you get a failure from heat in the AllNodesValidations, you can run:
heat resource-list -n5 overcloud | grep Deployment | grep FAILED
and look for the deployments with names '0'. For each of these run:
heat deployment-show <uuid>
of a given deployment.