See live at
Client (only)
cd client
yarn start
Client and Backend
npm i -g nodemon
yarn dev
Check Node version support policy
# check your node version
nvm version
# e.g. if you have node v14.17.1 you should install node-sass v4.14.1
yarn add node-sass # or yarn add [email protected]
yarn upgrade
# Update all of the dependencies
npm update -D
# If you see some vulnerabilities run:
npm audit fix
# then
npm install
yarn add react-router-dom
is a Higher Order Component (HOC) - a function that takes a component and returns a new component. It adds the routing related props to the new component.
E.g One package requires a specific version of babel-jest, add "resolutions" in package.json
"resolutions": {
"babel-jest": "24.7.1",
Create new project in firebase.
Create new
</> web platform
in your firebase project. -
Take note of the SDK firebase config.
withgoogle sign in provider
. -
Install firebase in your project source code.
yarn add firebase
See code implementations in
yarn add redux redux-logger react-redux
yarn add redux-persist
yarn add redux-thunk
yarn add redux-saga
yarn add reselect
# memoize helper function
yarn add lodash.memoize
yarn add react-stripe-checkout
Test credit card for payments: NO: 4242 4242 4242 4242 EXP: 10/29 CW: 123
Deploying in Heroku
Installing Heroku and Login
curl | sh
heroku --version
heroku login
Project Setup
heroku create aambayec-clothing --buildpack
git push heroku main
# optional: heroku force push
git push heroku main --force
heroku config:set STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heroku open
Linking Github to Heroku
Relinking a Heroku Git Project
# Get your app name here
heroku apps
# Setup git remote
heroku git:remote -a <heroku-app-name>
Get/Remove Heroku buildpacks
# get
heroku buildpacks
heroku buildpacks:remove
yarn add styled-components