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example curl

  curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/developers/run_service/5" \
  -H "Accept: */*" \
  -H "User-Agent: Thunder Client (" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "numberOfInvocations": 1,
	"chained": false,
	"input": "None",
	"runMultipleInvocations": false
  curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/providers/calculate_efficiency/34933555-5cca-41fb-aded-4ab7900c48d5" 
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/providers/set_reference_stats_for_service/" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"service_id":"satyam098/testimage_largeruntime"}'

services: run_service/3 - (hello world),
run_service/5 - (largeruntime)

reference provider: 34933555-5cca-41fb-aded-4ab7900c48d5


Set_reference_stats_for_service/<str: service_id> Here service_id is not the service_id but instead the task link. Get the task link from this service id in itself, use that instead and continue remaining without any changes.
Make a copy of without set_reference_stats and other exclusive reference provider methods. This script will be for all other nodes.
Remove try and except instead give if statements and startswith(dockerrun) etc

Common Issues:

NOTE: Rerun the provider script after running the benchmark. The efficiency scores are not fetched in the global vars in after calling benchmark function, but rather only at the start of script. So since before running benchmarks global vars were nothing and efficiency score get request is done after running benchmarks eff scores are not in global vars for this first benchmark run. Fix this.

if this provider does not write "Connected successfully", contact me (Aalhad). paste the IP I give into the global variable named "BROKER_ID" in and providers/

If Django server Port already in use then close then use a different port, with python scheduler/ runserver and also change the url in curl requests.

If test\n container already in use error, set the global var "container_name" to something different than what it is rn ex "test20" -> "test21"

If Django server is on a infinite loop with finding ready providers. One of th providers might not be ready make it ready by: SQL command for making provider ready (if id 14 does not have t and t in the table)

UPDATE profiles_user
SET memory_efficiency_score = 1
WHERE id = '14';

If docker container is not being loaded from the registry or some certificate issue u are running into, you are not connected to the wifi. There is a python login script in the Documents folder name or run that with python

Automate the startup terminals

Install the extension Terminals Manager by Fabio Spampinato type in "terminals edit configuration" in command pallete (cmd+shift+P) and replace it with the json in the end of this readme.

Now type in "terminals run" in command pallete to run the startup terminals

In the postgres terminal type in password and enter the following:

psql chainfaas
select * from profiles_user;

Press q to exit table.


  "autorun": false,
  "terminals": [
      "name": "Postgres",
      "description": "This is a description",
      "commands": ["cd ~/Documents/Serverless_Scheduler", "deactivate", "source .venv/bin/activate", "sudo -i -u postgres"]
      "name": "Django Server",
      "commands": [
        "cd ~/Documents/Serverless_Scheduler", "deactivate", "source .venv/bin/activate", "python scheduler/ runserver"
      "name": "Python Provider script",
      "focus": true,
      "execute": false,
      "commands": [
        "cd ~/Documents/Serverless_Scheduler", "deactivate", "source .venv/bin/activate","python provider/ 34933555-5cca-41fb-aded-4ab7900c48d5"
      "name": "Curl Requests",
      "command": "# Enter curl requests here. There's an example in"

Local Installation

Setting virutal environments.

Make a virtual environment named ".venv" and make one named "chainenv", both in the base folder (Serverless_Scheduler)

pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv .venv
python3 -m venv chainenv

now activate .venv and install requirements.

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

after installation is done deactivate this virtual env by typing deactivate , and use deactivate everytime u switch virtual env.


now activate chainenv and install requirements

source chainenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_chain.txt

after installation deactivate.

Changing IPs of providers.


ipconfig getifaddr en0

to get the ip of your machine. Put this in the global var controller_ip of

NOTE: Do not worry about broker part it will run even if u run this locally. More info: right now the mqtt broker is hosted on a cloud based public node with IP: "". this is a free broker host which allows everyone. otherwise the broker host would be one of the lab machines with a custom config. (allow_anonymous true \n listener 1883)

Things to fix at some point.

These work but will be inefficient at scale.
Everytime startup request is sent, it creates a new client and a new mqtt daemon subbed to "EVERYONE". Instead a new client should be made and subbed only at django server startup (lookup ready method in this client should then be used in all other methods. So make a method mclient = get_mclient() which has a global var.

To change the reference provider, change value in benchmark_results.txt and the global var in

Room for improvement

1. Runtime prediction model not specific to service

Runtime of some service on p1 is predicted by a linear function f:

$predicted_runtime = f(cpu_usage_on_reference * cpu_efficiency_of_p1,\text{ } memory_usage_on_reference * memory_efficiency_of_p1)$

where cpu_usage_on_reference and memory_usage_of_reference are usages of that service on reference providers. We know that this linear function, f , should ideally be different for each service. perhaps some services give runtime more on the basis of memory_stats than other who have heavier weightage for cpu_stats. We could train a linear regression model for each service and get f specific to the service. But at scale if PeerCompute has thousands of services in the registry and thousands of providers. For the training of these models, each function would have to be run on a lot of providers.
Solution: Take a set of providers which represent diverse fast and slow providers. Run all services on them and based on that make a model for each service.
Issue: This goes against the concept of decentralisation, like who gets to be in this set of model making providers.
Better Solution: Divide all services into categories like compute-heavy, memory-heavy, both-heavy, io-heavy etc and make a prediction model for each category


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