- VPC Security group for Redis access control
- ElastiCache instance with Parameter Group and Subnet Group
- CloudWatch Alarms
- DNS CNAME of ElastiCache instance
According to AWS document for CloudWatch metrics of ElastiCache Redis, ![What to monitor][https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/red-ug/CacheMetrics.WhichShouldIMonitor.html] and ![Best Pratice][https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/monitoring-best-practices-with-amazon-elasticache-for-redis-using-amazon-cloudwatch/].
This module can set up some CloudWatch Alarms for the ElastiCache Replication Group created. To enable alarms creation, please set cloudwatch_alarms_enabled = true, by default it is false.
Alarms will be created if enabled,
- CPUUtilization (host level: percent) and EngineCPUUtilization(Redis host level: percent)
- DatabaseMemoryUsagePercent
- CacheHitRate (Percent)
- Evictions (Count)
- SetTypeCmdsLatency(ms) and GetTypeCmdsLatency(ms) #TODO