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Arch update counter - plasma widget

screenshot of the aplet with all the alt

1 - custom icon color | 2 - custom dot color | 3 - default dot | 4 - label with separator | 5 - label without separator | 6 - in the system tray | 7 - package list


Counts the number of aur and arch update available (so all the db - extra, core, aur, ...).

Refresh each 30 minutes, on click or on the interval you set.

You can launch an update console via the context menu or the middle click of your mouse !

Custom setting for ALL the command !

You can choose between a dot or a label if an update is available.

Possibility to change the visual of the dot, the visual of the label and the visual of the icon.

A popup list all the available update.

And a lot of settings is provided for customizing all that !


You can install the widget from :

  • the KDE menu Get New Widgets...
  • from the AUR, e.g. yay -S kdeplasma-arch-update-notifier-git

Manual installation

Plasma 6

  • place the a2n.archupdate.plasmoid folder from the latest release in ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/
  • download via the KDE store (install in ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/)
  • Dl the package via the AUR (install in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/)

plasma 5

If you want to use this plugin with kde plasma 5 you should use:

Please note that this version is not maintained since the v4.2.

Dependencies and AUR helper

You need to have the following packages installed on your system OR to edit the settings with your prefered one:

  • pacman-contrib is used for the list and count of the main repository.
  • yay is used for the list and count of the AUR repository.
  • konsole is used to launch the cmd for the upgrade.
  • kdialog is used too, but it's not mandatory because it's used just for alerting if a cmd throw an error.

How to have this in my system tray?

Go to the 'System Tray Settings' menu and activate it :)

in some case you may need to log out / log in to see it in the list

screenshot of how to add in the systray


screenshot of the settings of the plugin

Name Description Result
Command & Debug
Interval configuration set the interval between each execution of the update check function the updater is launch each X minutes
Debug Enable the debug mode if set to true Show each command launch by the plasmoid with ARCHUPDATE at the beggining (for regex search)
Retry Enable the retry mode if set to true Retry the Count or the List cmd if stderr is not empty
Do not close the terminal at the end if true add the --noclose flag into the konsole command Prevent the console to close at the end of the update command
Count ARCH command The command you want to execute for counting the packages for CORE and EXTRA (default: checkupdates [pipe] wc -l) The updater exec this command
Count AUR command The command you want to execute for counting the packages for the other db (default: yay -Qua [pipe] wc -l) The updater exec this command
Update all command The command for updating all the package at once Pass the command to the Terminal cmd (or the cmd with no close)
Update one command The command for updating one package via the popup Pass the command to the Terminal cmd (or the cmd with no close) and add the package name at the end
Terminal cmd The command for launching the update all or one cmd Launch the update cmd and automatically close at the end of it
Terminal cmd & no close The command for launching the update all or one cmd, executed only when "Do not close at the end" is checked Launch the update cmd and rest open at the end of it
Show a dot in place of the label Replace the label with a colored dot If the total count is > than 0 the dot is visible, otherwise nothing is shown (no label, no dot)
Custom dot color If you want to customize the color of the dot If not checked the dot get the color from your theme via PlasmaCore.Theme.textColor
Custom dot position If you want to customize the position of the dot By default to Top Right
Separate dot If you want to have the total for arch and the total for the other db via two dot Set two dot one for totalArch and one for totalAur
Separate result If you want to have the total for arch and the total for the other db in the label Set the label text to ' ' + totalArch + separator + totalAur + ' '
Separator The text you want to have for, space available Inject the text you put into the label
Custom X color You can tick the box if you want a custom color on the X element Change the color on the popup element and on the preview in the same page
Separator text Custom text for the version separator Use the text provided to separate versions in the text
Mouse action
Click configuration Choose the type of action you want to do for each click on the mouse Left click to check, middle click to update OR Middle click to check, left click to update
Main action behavior If you want to refresh the list or open the popup when you click Main click depend on the choice made in the Click configuration settings

Regarding the customization of the commands

If you have any problems after modifying the default settings (especially the cmds):

quoting the ThinkFan repo here

If this program steals your car, kills your horse, smokes your dope or pees on your carpet... too bad, you're on your own.

Is up to you to double check the command you want to exec. In no case I'm responsible of anything if your system break due to your command.

The program launch the update command with konsole -e or the cmd that you put in the setting. So you can test your command or script with konsole -e "my_command" or the cmd that you put in the settings mycmd "my_command".

For the update command you have a demo of each cmd just between the title of the section and the setting input.

When you update all the packages the default command is: konsole -e (--noclose) 'yay' where noclose is optional.

When you update one package the default command is: konsole -e (--noclose) 'yay -Sy' packageName where noclose is optional and packageName is injected from the list.


Why all these options for a similar command

I like to have the opportunity to really configure everything, and to do so simply.

Why yay and pacman-contrib

pacman-contrib provide checkupdates for counting the update for the core and extra repository AND it sync all the db automatically without the need of sudo.

I'have setup yay because I use EOS, but, you can use paru in the exact same way, you just have to update the command in the settings window.

Why not just yay -Qu (or paru -Qu)

Because this command dosen't sync the DB at the same time so the result is wrong.

For that we need to do something like the -S flag before and I prefer to use checkupdates for that (it's made for it so...).

Why the Do not close at the end option when you can just update the terminal cmd

Because it's easier for people who don't want to update the default option to switch between not closing and closing the terminal at the end of the update.

Why the update is made with yay and not pacman

Because yay cover all the db (core, extra, aur, ...) and pacman handle only core and extra.

I want to update the PKGBUILD or the .SRCINFO for the AUR

You have to made a pr in this repository for that :

Code of conduct, license, authors, changelog, contributing

See the following file :


  • Nothing yet, I take feature request on the go :)

Want to participate? Have a bug or a request feature?

Do not hesitate to open a pr or an issue. I reply when I can.

Want to support my work?

Thanks !