A rust library to read Illumina Idat files. A port of illuminaio.
Add this line to you Cargo.toml within the [dependencies]
illumina_array_reader = {git = "https://github.com/a-xavier/illumina_array_reader.git"}
illumina_array_reader implements two structs MicroArray
and Idat
. In practice, one would only need to use MicroArray
since it's a collection of a red and a green Idat
Each Idat
struct contains descriptions and most importantly, a data
field containing a polars DataFrame with the data contained in the idat (ProbeID, Mean fluorescence, Fluorescence Standard Deviation and Number of beads).
To load an array, just provide a Basename. A Basename is the path to both idat files, without the _Grn.idat
or _Grn.idat.gz
For example:
use illumina_array_reader::array::MicroArray;
fn main() {
let array = MicroArray::from_base("/path/to/files/203952880120_R01C01");
Will print:
MicroArray::from_base(all_idats[0]) = MicroArray {
basename: "/path/to/files/203952880120_R01C01",
green_idat: Idat {
pathname: "/path/to/files/203952880120_R01C01_Grn.idat",
is_red: false,
is_green: true,
processed: true,
is_valid_idat: true,
total_number_of_beads: 1051815,
barcode: "203952880120",
position: "R01C01",
data: shape: (1_051_815, 4)
│ ID ┆ Mean ┆ SD ┆ N_beads │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ u32 ┆ u16 ┆ u16 ┆ u8 │
│ 1600101 ┆ 10409 ┆ 1275 ┆ 14 │
│ 1600111 ┆ 5754 ┆ 302 ┆ 10 │
│ 1600115 ┆ 2539 ┆ 442 ┆ 19 │
│ 1600123 ┆ 5540 ┆ 703 ┆ 20 │
│ … ┆ … ┆ … ┆ … │
│ 99810970 ┆ 98 ┆ 38 ┆ 6 │
│ 99810978 ┆ 7953 ┆ 412 ┆ 17 │
│ 99810990 ┆ 5474 ┆ 735 ┆ 9 │
│ 99810992 ┆ 4181 ┆ 508 ┆ 25 │
chip_type: "BeadChip 8x5",
red_idat: Idat {
pathname: "/path/to/files/203952880120_R01C01_Red.idat",
is_red: true,
is_green: false,
processed: true,
is_valid_idat: true,
total_number_of_beads: 1051815,
barcode: "203952880120",
position: "R01C01",
data: shape: (1_051_815, 4)
│ ID ┆ Mean ┆ SD ┆ N_beads │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ u32 ┆ u16 ┆ u16 ┆ u8 │
│ 1600101 ┆ 4648 ┆ 923 ┆ 14 │
│ 1600111 ┆ 4382 ┆ 1110 ┆ 10 │
│ 1600115 ┆ 27623 ┆ 2773 ┆ 19 │
│ 1600123 ┆ 3322 ┆ 652 ┆ 20 │
│ … ┆ … ┆ … ┆ … │
│ 99810970 ┆ 2627 ┆ 806 ┆ 6 │
│ 99810978 ┆ 5296 ┆ 947 ┆ 17 │
│ 99810990 ┆ 15208 ┆ 1883 ┆ 9 │
│ 99810992 ┆ 728 ┆ 458 ┆ 25 │
chip_type: "BeadChip 8x5",
- Clean up the code and remove all
calls -> Properly handle errors - Create Errors
- Eliminate need for SD and N_Beads to reduce space
- Set up tests