NUCLEARcms is a fullstack energie resources to developers && designers
- DUAL-CORE application (admin/client)
- PAGEcontents
- MENUeditor
- CONFIGproject
- FILEmanager
- USERprofiles
- Fork Project
- extract files inside
- create database and import '/database/nuclear_github.sql'
- edit file 'public_html/index.php'; **if necessary for your future applications ex: change admin-nuclear-folder
- create _your_vhost (point to _your_url/public_html/) or goto localhost/your_url/public_html/ done!
- "private/_core/config/datatabase.php" (define database if necessary default: user: 'root' password:'')
- "private/_core/config/project.php"(configuration file extend of config.php (default CI3)
- login WEBMASTER: user: [email protected] password: demoadmin
- login MEMBER:
- user: [email protected] password: demo123
Thanks for contribuition
Power by Joel Ferreira