Make sure you have bun installed:
# Install bun if you haven't already
curl -fsSL | bash
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd wakawiki
# Install dependencies
bun install
# Run development server
bun dev
# Build for production
bun run build
- Progressive Web App (PWA) with advanced offline support
- Infinite vertical scrolling feed with smart article virtualization
- Adaptive image loading with fallback system and loading states
- Support for multiple languages with smart language detection
- Advanced article recommendations through Web Workers
- Like/bookmark system with conflict-free persistent storage
- Smart content caching and prefetching with version control
- Double-tap to like interactions with haptic feedback (On Mobile)
- Project/Sponsor ads integration with viewability tracking
- Loading state indicators with custom animations
- Responsive design optimized for mobile and desktop
- Full offline functionality with smart sync
- Background data synchronization
- Intelligent caching strategies
- Network-aware content delivery
- Window Controls Overlay on desktop
- Share target capabilities
- SvelteKit: Core framework for UI and routing
- Web Workers:
- Article loader worker for caching and prefetching
- Recommendation engine with ML-based content analysis
- Background sync coordination
- Service Worker:
- Custom versioned caching strategies
- Offline-first architecture
- Protocol handler registration
- Push notification management
- TypeScript: Full type safety across the codebase
- TailwindCSS: Advanced responsive styling
- Workbox: PWA tooling and caching
- Wikipedia API: RESTful content integration
- Cache/Storage APIs:
- IndexedDB for structured data
- Cache API for response storage
- LocalStorage for preferences
- Article loading worker for prefetching content
- AI recommendation worker for personalized suggestions
- Smart caching service for performance optimization
- Virtual scrolling system for memory efficiency
- Language management with persistent preferences
- Error recovery and retry mechanisms
- Virtual DOM rendering for large article lists
- Progressive image loading with placeholders
- Smart throttling for API requests
- Memory-efficient article buffer system
- Strategic cache management
- Lazy loading with priority queuing
- Enhanced offline functionality
- Cross-device synchronization
- Extended language support
- Advanced category exploration
- Social sharing features
- Reading history analytics
- Website anaytics
flowchart TB
subgraph Client
UI[UI Components]
Store[Svelte Stores]
SW[Service Worker]
Cache[(Cache API)]
WW1[Article Loader Worker]
WW2[Recommendations Worker]
WW3[Sync Worker]
subgraph Services
API[Wikipedia API]
Storage[Local Storage]
Push[Push Service]
UI --> Store
Store --> UI
SW --> |Cache Management| Cache
SW --> |Push Messages| Push
WW1 --> |Prefetch Articles| API
WW1 --> |Buffer Articles| Store
WW2 --> |Process Interactions| Store
WW2 --> |Generate Recommendations| Store
WW3 --> |Sync Data| API
WW3 --> |Update Store| Store
UI --> |Read/Write| Storage
Store --> |Persist| Storage
API --> |Article Data| WW1
Store --> |User Interactions| WW2
Cache --> |Quick Access| UI
WW1 --> |Store Articles| Cache
classDef worker stroke:#FF4081,stroke-width:2px
classDef store stroke:#4CAF50,stroke-width:2px
classDef service stroke:#FFEB3B,stroke-width:2px
class WW1,WW2,WW3,SW worker
class Store,Storage,Cache,IndexedDB store
class API,Push service
- Advanced caching strategies:
- Network-first with timeout for API requests
- Cache-first with revalidation for images
- Stale-while-revalidate for static assets
- Version-based cache management
- Background sync queue management
- Push notification handling
- Protocol handler registration
- Share target handling
- Network status monitoring
- Versioned article content caching
- Progressive image optimization and caching
- Category and metadata caching
- Smart cache invalidation with dependency tracking
- Language-specific cache segregation
- Cache storage quotas and cleanup
- PWA manifest link and improved service worker initialization
- Offline articles page with saved content functionality
- Online/offline detection with content refresh on reconnect
- Enhanced caching strategies for Wikipedia API
- Reload prompt for service worker updates
- Offline support for articles with notifications
- Background sync for articles
- SEO improvements with SvelteSeo component
- Double-tap to like functionality on mobile
- RelatedArticles component for linked articles
- Enhanced image loading with fallback system
- Virtual scrolling implementation
- Language-based cache management
- Batch article loading optimizations
- Optimized article loading and caching strategies
- Improved image loading states and transitions
- Enhanced recommendation system
- Refactored import paths to use absolute references
- Updated caching mechanisms for better offline support
- Service Worker registration issues
- Cache versioning conflicts
- Image loading and validation
- Language initialization and persistence
- Article loading race conditions
Feel free to submit issues and pull requests. Please ensure all changes follow our PWA and offline-first architecture.