Memoizer is a memoization library for Erlang. It uses parse transformation to transparently convert functions into their memoized versions.
Memoizer is capable of using process dictionaries or ETS tables to store previous function call results.
This is a naive dynamic programming solution for problem 15 of Project Euler.
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(S, _X, S) -> 1;
routes(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
routes(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).
Running this code is extremely slow - even for smaller grids - as the recursive
calls to routes/2
are re-evaluated each and every time:
1> timer:tc(euler15, solve, [16]).
Let's use Memoizer to transform the function.
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(S, _X, S) -> 1;
routes(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
routes(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).
Running the code now takes almost no time, as expected:
1> timer:tc(euler15, solve, [20]).
To use Memoizer, it must be specified as a parse transformation for the module:
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
Each function to be memoized must be listed with the memoize
attribute. The
attribute can contain a single element or a list of elements, and can be used
multiple times. The memoization method can be set for each function. Use pd
for process dictionary or ets
for ETS tables. By default process dictionary
method is used.
-memoize({fun2/1, 'ets'}).
-memoize([fun3/2, {fun4/3, 'ets'}]).
Memoizer beam files must be available when compiling other modules.
When using rebar, it can be specified as a dependency in rebar.conf
%% ...
{deps, [
%% ...
{memoizer, ".*", {git, ""}}
Then the application can be compiled with rebar as usual:
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
This method is preferred when a long-running process calls the same function multiple times as it avoids locking or any coordination with other processes. This method is not useful however for highly distributed processing, as the previous results are not shared among processes.
During compilation the process dictionary method transforms the following module code ...
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(S, _X, S) -> 1;
routes(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
routes(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).
... into this code:
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(Var1, Var2, Var3) ->
case erlang:get({'#routes_memoized', Var1, Var2, Var3}) of
{'value', Value} ->
'undefined' ->
Value = '#routes_memoized'(Var1, Var2, Var3),
erlang:put({'#routes_memoized', Var1, Var2, Var3}, {'value', Value}),
'#routes_memoized'(S, _X, S) -> 1;
'#routes_memoized'(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
'#routes_memoized'(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).
This method is preferred for distributed processing, where multiple processes need to share the previous results of function calls.
The current implementation does not play well with module code upgrades (this is the cost of fully transparent memoization).
During compilation the ETS method transforms the following module code ...
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(S, _X, S) -> 1;
routes(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
routes(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).
... into this code:
-compile({parse_transform, memoizer}).
-memoize({routes/3, 'ets'}).
memoizer_onload() ->
Self = erlang:self(),
Pid = erlang:spawn(fun() -> memoizer_onload_init(Self) end),
{Pid, Result} -> Result
after 3000 -> 'timeout'
memoizer_onload_init(OnLoadProc) ->
case ets:info('#routes_3_memoized') of
'undefined' ->
ets:new('#routes_3_memoized', ['named_table', 'set', 'public']);
_ ->
OnLoadProc ! {self(), 'ok'},
memoizer_onload_loop() ->
_ -> ok
solve(Size) -> routes(Size, 0, 0).
routes(Var1, Var2, Var3) ->
case ets:lookup('#routes_3_memoized', {Var1, Var2, Var3}) of
[Value] ->
[] ->
Value = '#routes_memoized'(Var1, Var2, Var3),
ets:insert('#routes_3_memoized', {{Var1, Var2, Var3}, Value}),
'#routes_memoized'(S, _X, S) -> 1;
'#routes_memoized'(S, S, _Y) -> 1;
'#routes_memoized'(S, X, Y) -> routes(S, X+1, Y) + routes(S, X, Y+1).