Releases: ZinggJM/GxEPD_HD
Releases · ZinggJM/GxEPD_HD
Version 1.0.3
- added grey levels graphics support GxEPD_HD_4G.h, GxEPD_HD_16G.h, GxEPD_HD_GreyGraphics.ino - added support for Waveshare ED060SCT on IT8951 Driver HAT - added touch support for GxGDE060F3-T (initial version, GxFT5436 touch driver for FT5436 controller) - added fix for GFX_FontExtension (added adapted getTextBounds) - now declared supported with official STM32 package, re-tested
Version 1.0.2
- fixed controller buffer partial overwrite issue with GDE060F3 or GDEW080T5 (higher buffer base address)
Version 1.0.0
- uses my Adafruit_GFX clone Fruitless_GFX - download Fruitless_GFX as ZIP from - install Fruitless_GFX using Library Manager Add .ZIP Library method - GFX_FontExtension doesn't need namespaces with Fruitless_GFX or actual Adafruit_GFX
Version 0.0.14
- caution: Adafruit_GFX Version 1.8.0 and higher doesn't compile for STM32 Boards ( - use Adafruit_GFX Version 1.7.5 for use with DESTM32-T - GFX_FontExtension therefore still needs to use namespaces - fixed writeImage, writeImagePart, drawImage, drawImagePart for "odd" bitmap widths