Timeline displays a list of social data information in the format of a Twitter timeline.
You can create a basic timeline with drag and drop by providing up to eight fields from your data model:
- User picture
- User name
- User screen name
- Created date
- Text
- Likes
- Retweets
- Sentiment
This will create a functional timeline visualization that you can use to integrate social media information into your report. Each status item in the timeline is clickable and will act as a filter to other visualizations on your report page.
To display an enhanced timeline, you can provide a property collection called TweetJson, which will allow you to display embedded tweet media, author verified status and distinguish between different tweet types (tweets, retweets, replies and quoted tweets). TweetJson is primarily intended for software developers and the format for TweetJson is documented at https://www.cloudscope.io/support/tweetjson.
No matter whether you choose the basic or enhanced version, Timeline provides a familiar, compelling way to display social information in your report.