To generate a Nessus Professional Key using the script, simply run the following command:
python If you prefer a Windows executable, you can download nessuskeygen.exe and click the "Generate Key" button to generate a key.
Start or Stop Nessus Windows Command-Line Operation Start Nessus:
C:\Windows\system32>net start "Tenable Nessus" Stop Nessus:
C:\Windows\system32>net stop "Tenable Nessus" Linux Command-Line Operation RedHat, CentOS, and Oracle Linux Start Nessus:
Stop Nessus:
SUSE Start Nessus:
Stop Nessus:
FreeBSD Start Nessus:
Stop Nessus:
Debian, Kali, and Ubuntu Start Nessus:
Stop Nessus:
Updating the Nessus Key To update the Nessus key, you can use the following commands:
For all operating systems:
nessuscli fix --reset-all Linux
Windows C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus>nessuscli.exe fetch --register xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx macOS
Replace xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx with your new Nessus Professional Key.
Please note that this script is provided for educational purposes only and should be used responsibly and in compliance with the Nessus licensing terms.