- To start, fork this repository. Fork a repo - GitHub Docs
- Clone the repository to your computer.
- Upload your files and commit changes to complete your solution.
- Push/sync the changes up to GitHub.
- Create a pull request on the original repository to turn in the assignment. Creating a pull request - GitHub Docs
Tips: You can install Github Desktop to use GUI instead of command line.
- Please put the final paper of your group in the "Final_Paper" Folder in this repository. Create a folder and put your paper .md files together with figures within the folder.
- The name of the Folder should be "Group_Number_Topic". e.g. "Group_1_RNA-seq".
- The final paper is the “class handout” you would give to your future class who attend your mini-lecture. Please use the chapters of 3D Genome Book as examples of a final paper. An outstanding final paper should read like a book chapter or a section of a book chapter for a future textbook.
The final paper will be graded by the 4 TAs. Each TA will give a score in 1-10 to each paper. The average score will be the score of this final paper of this team. All team members will receive the same score.
Homework 3: Gaoyuan-Li/RNA-Seq Analysis 2023Fall
Homework 4: jtburrows/BENG183Tutorials2023
Homework 5: jtburrows/BENG183Tutorials2023
- 3.1 Overview of RNA sequencing
- 3.2 Quantification of gene expression from 3D Genome ebook
- 3.3 Detection of differentially expressed genes from 3D Genome ebook
- 3.4 Single-cell transcriptomic analysis
- 5.1 An overview of precision medicine
- 5.2 Precision medicine in breast cancer
- 5.3 Precision medicine in diabetes
- 5.4 An overview of bioinformatic methods for precision medicine
We thank BENG183 alumni: John David Lin, Samuel Beppler, Paige Dubelko, Pericles Corkos, Elisha Beebe, Mengyi Liu, Kelsey Dang, Katy Zou, Diego Quintero, Derek Jow, Victoria Tom, Joey Sun.