An useful tool for you to plan the daily healthy diet.
Yuxin Li: CC66li | [email protected]
Zihan Guo: Zhguo903 | [email protected]
Yuqing Liu: LiuYuqing14 | [email protected]
Kai Huang KaiH0417 | [email protected]
The Ichiban is the cooking and recipe generation based on the users' health conditions.
The system would restore the information of users, including the age, the height, the weight and the sex. Each usage would collect the food ingredients then generate possible combinations of the meal with the calories suggestions.
Team Story - Main Usecase
As a user, I want to be able to select ingredients from categories like veggies, meat, staple food, and kitchenware, so that I can generate a list of possible recipes based on my preferences. I want to see a clear list of the generated recipes and easy access to the tutorials. This will help me discover new meals that I can easily prepare with what I already have. -
Zihan's Story - Special Usecase
Basic information: Female, 19 years old, she is lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts.
Story: Because of my lactose intolerance and allergy, I have to carefully sift through ingredients for every meal, and sometimes I get headaches from getting ingredients but not being able to pair them wisely. I want a tool to show me food combinations and take into account contraindications. -
Yuqing's Story - Special Usecase
Basic information: Female, 19 years old, she has limited ingredients at home.
Story: I go to the shop once a week so I have limited ingredients everyday while I also want to eat healthy. It is bothering me so I want a tool that can recommend healthy recipes by limited ingredients. -
Yuxin's Story - Special Usecase
Basic information: Female, 18 years old, she has very particular taste and eat very little at each meal.
Story: I eat very little and donnot have a very good appetite. I am not interested in food and donnot know what I want to eat. I wish there was a tool that would give me a variety of different recipes to choose from based on the ingredients. -
Kai's Story - Special Usecase
Basic information: Male, 20 years old, he is skinny and no need to lose weight. He does not care about the calorie content of foods.
Story: I usually order takeout food a lot, but this is not healthy. I wish there was a tool that could teach me how to cook at the same time while giving me a healthy diet.