git clone
cd ackermann_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_keyop.launch
NOTE: You can disable the visualization of laser in line 65 of racecar_description/urdf/racecar.gazebo
Download the repository.
git clone
Compile the code.
cd ackermann_ws/ catkin_make
Remember to source the environment before running the following code.
source devel/setup.bash
or you can add it into your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
Launch the racecar by
roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_keyop.launch
focus on the small tk window and use WASD
to control the car.
Launch the racecar by
roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_mapping.launch
control the car and save map by
roscd racecar_gazebo/
cd map/
and then you can find the map in the same directory.
Launch the racecar by
roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_navigation.launch
use the 2D Nav Goal to set the goal.
This repository is built on mit-racecar.