An Electron application with React and TypeScript
When a social network url is entered, the central image is replaced by the network icon.
- options :
- Networks : Github, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter, Twitch, Tiktok, Reddit
- Supports : KissKissBankBank, Liberapay, Patreon, Tipee, Utip
- options :
The QrCode can then be downloaded as a png file
There are 4 input fields accessible by clicking on the corresponding arrows, to modify the qrcode :
- social network url
- the qrcode correction scale
- the background color
- the foreground color
- When the application is launched
- After entering a social network address
- Downloadable Png image
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
# For windows
$ npm run build:win
# For macOS
$ npm run build:mac
# For Linux
$ npm run build:linux