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Arnd edited this page Aug 24, 2017 · 1 revision

The DS1361 has 4 different precisions available, each of which takes a different amount of time to complete. The possible values are as follow:

Precision Time Accuracy
9 93.75ms 0.5°C
10 187.5ms 0.25°C
11 375ms 0.125°C
12 750ms 0.0625°C


DS1631_Class DS1631; // Create an instance of the DS1631
void setup() {
  while (!DS1631.begin()) { // Initialize I2C communications
    Serial.println("Unable to find DS1631. Checking again in 3 seconds.");
  } // of loop until device is located
  Serial.print("Detected ");
  Serial.println(" DS1631 devices.");
  for (uint8_t i=0;i<DS1631.thermometers;i++) {
    DS1631.setPrecision(12); // Set to 0.0625°c and 750ms conversion
  } // of for-next each thermometer loop
} // of setup
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