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Xeos edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 12 revisions


DICOMcloud is a RESTful DICOM Web Server framework that is the first to implement WADO and DICOM Web Services without relying on a DICOM Network TCP communication.

The server implementation is optimized for fast image query and retrieval in order to take full advantage of the DICOM Web standard part 13 and support browser based medical web viewers.

The server stores the DICOM datasets query metadata to a SQL database and can be configured to store the complete DICOM file to either a File system or Azure Blob Storage.

Current implemented Web Services:

  1. STOW –RS : Endpoint URL

  2. QIDO-RS :

Example: qidors/studies?00200010=&00080020=&00100010=&00100020=

  1. WADO-RS :

Retrieve Instance Metadata Example: wadors/studies/

  1. WADO URI :

Retrieve Instance Example: /api/wadouri?RequestType=wado&studyUID=

For detailed information about what features are supported in each service check the DICOM Support wiki page

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