I'm a student,Learning to program.
Although my technology is poor now, it will slowly improve in the future.
Backend Developer
IOS Developer
Web Developer
Open Source...
🎁 Projects | ⭐ Stars | 📚 Forks | 🛎 Issues | 📬 Pull requests | 💡 Last Commit |
Zach677/TechTrek | |||||
Zach677/homebrew-star |
Recent Writing...
- 11/1/24 - 如何绕过地区限制体验Apple Intelligence新功能
- 9/28/24 - Follow体验记
- 5/5/24 - 自动工作流同步仓库
- 3/24/24 - Swift diary of study(1)
- 2/21/24 - 折腾与娱乐
Recent Star...
- lizongying/my-tv-0 我的電視·〇 電視視頻播放軟件,可以自定義視頻源
- bin64/Clash-Dash 原生 SwiftUI 开发的 OpenClash/MihomoTProxy 管理工具
- QMUI/LookinServer Free macOS app for iOS view debugging.
- Tencent/QMUI_iOS QMUI iOS——致力于提高项目 UI 开发效率的解决方案
- hughkli/Lookin Free macOS app for iOS view debugging.
Review Stared...
- yichengchen/ATV-Bilibili-demo BiliBili Client Demo for Apple TV (tvOS)
- yuaotian/go-cursor-help 解决Cursor在免费订阅期间出现以下提示的问题: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place to prevent abuse. Please let us know if you believe this is a mistake.
- ChartsOrg/Charts Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- Lakr233/Axchange Android file transfer via ADB
- richards199999/Thinking-Claude Let your Claude able to think
Can you find me?
Happy Life!
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