is an open-source load testing framework.
The Kafka Gatling extension
can be used for stress testing an existing Apache Kafka installation using Gatling
The extension supports Apache Kafka 0.10 protocol
& latest released version of Gatling 2.2
In pom.xml
add the extension as a maven dependency,
mvn clean install -Ppackage-only
- Look into the file BasicSimulation.scala. Point it to the right
Kafka Broker coordinates
& provide the correct Kafkatopic
name. - Start the simulation using the command
mvn gatling:execute -Dgatling.simulationClass=io.gatling.simulation.BasicSimulation
- Start the Simple Kafka Consumer after pointing it to the right Kafka coordinates.
avro schemas
can be passed for generating records using them. Here is an example -
An in-built Random Data Generator is provided for getting started with Load tests quickly.
Custom data generators can be added if necessary. Here is an example
Gatling feeders
are supported & acustom csv file can be passed for loading data
. Here is an example