The workspace for directly downloading and installing Autoware.AI versions with the latest OpenPlanner 2.5 updates
Videos and Tutorials for OpenPlanner. YouTube
Autoware.AI help and Installation Guide, Autoware.AI
- Follow the main dependecies installation
- For How to build, follow the following instructions below
System dependencies for Ubuntu 18.04 / Melodic
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y python-catkin-pkg python-rosdep ros-$ROS_DISTRO-catkin
$ sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-setuptools python3-vcstool
$ pip3 install -U setuptools
$ git clone
$ cd
$ mkdir -p src
$ vcs import src < openplanner.1.13.repos
$ vcs import src < openplanner.1.15.repos
$ vcs import src < openplanner.1.13.smt.repos
Install dependecies using rosdep:
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
Build using colcon or catkin:
$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Cuda 11.1 and cudnn 8 is required for building op_tlr. This node is a custome traffic light detector for CARLA Simulator. Just remove the node to avoide any build issue.
- op.rviz config file for visualizing OpenPlanner topics
- file to automatically switch to OpenPlanner.1.13 or OpenPlanner.1.15 from original Autoware.AI
- pulls all repo updates from certain branch for (common, core_planning, core_perception, utilities)
Darweesh, Hatem, Eijiro Takeuchi, and Kazuya Takeda."OpenPlanner 2.0: The Portable Open Source Planner for Autonomous Driving Applications." 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshop). July 11-17, 2021. Nagoya, Japan.
Darweesh, Hatem, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazuya Takeda, Yoshiki Ninomiya, Adi Sujiwo, Luis Yoichi Morales, Naoki Akai, Tetsuo Tomizawa, and Shinpei Kato. "Open source integrated planner for autonomous navigation in highly dynamic environments." Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 29, no. 4 (2017): 668-684.
Darweesh, Hatem, Eijiro Takeuchi, and Kazuya Takeda. "Estimating the Probabilities of Surrounding Vehicles’ Intentions and Trajectories using a Behavior Planner." International journal of automotive engineering 10.4 (2019): 299-308.