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App for automatic tests of Z-Way using Certification Test Tool. Used to automatically check Z-Way compliance with the Z-Wave certification requirements.


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Z-Way CTT Auto Test Server

This module for Z-Way Server helps to automate CTT tests of Z-Way


Run CTT-WS app. It should execute CTT and connect to this app.

Adding new questions from CTT log

Add questions to the handlers.js.

Questions consists of three items:

  • question
  • action
  • answer


    question: ["Activate the Add mode in the UI of the DUT and click 'OK' to start Inclusion by the DUT!", "»OK:SHOW«"],
    action: startInclusion,
    answer: ok


An array of lines making a question. A question can consist of multiple lines or from only one line.

Leading and trailing spaces are ignored in the search. Don't include \n in the question.

If a question requires an answer, always include »OK:SHOW«, »YES-NO:SHOW«, »OK-CANCEL:SHOW« or »SKIP:DISABLE« in the question array to make sure the answer does not come before the question is asked by the CTT.

Replace variable part with #### placeholder (four hash marks). Multiple placeholder can occur in one line. Each placeholder will be stored in parameters passed to actions. Parameter numbers start with 1.

Try to make questions more generic by replacing all hard-coded values to #### and check them in the action with real values in the Z-Way engine.


Action represents a function to be executed by Z-Way before answering the question. Action can also return a value that will be used in the answer.

There are popular pre-defined actions:

  • reset - reset Z-Wave controller
  • resetAndStartInclusion - reset Z-Wave controller and start adding a node
  • startInclusion - start adding a node
  • startExclusion - start removing a node
  • startLearnMode - start including Z-Way into another network
  • forceInterview - restarts interview on the last included device by request NIF
  • isDevicePresent(param) - check if the device with ID equal to parameter param is present and return true/false for yesNo
  • waitInterviewDone - wait until interview of the last included device is finished
  • waitInterviewDoneOrIdle - wait until interview of the last included device is finished or Z-Way is idle (if no devices were included)
  • waitIdle - wait until Z-Way is idle
  • waitAndExecute(delay, func) - wait delay seconds and execute func
  • checkDecParam(obj, path, param) - check that the parameter param converted to integer is equal to the value of dataholder path on object obj
  • checkFloatParam(obj, path, param) - check that the parameter param converted to float is equal to the value of dataholder path on object obj
  • checkByteParam(obj, path, param) - check that the parameter param converted from byte to integer is equal to the value of dataholder path on object obj; value should be without 0x, so use 0x####
  • checkWordaram(obj, path, param) - check that parameters param1 (MSB) and param2 (LSB) converted from word to integer are equal to the value of dataholder path on object obj; value should be without 0x, so use 0x####
  • checkMappedParam(obj, path, func) - check that the parameter param (as string) is equal to the value of dataholder path on object obj transformed with func
  • checkScale(cc, selector, scaleParam, valueParam) - check that the parameter valueParam is equal to the value of a dataholder with scale equal to scaleParam (string like "°C" or the parameter number refering to the scale) on a specific command class with name cc; selector refers to the name of the dataholder storing the scale on this CC
  • checkAllScalesZero(cc) - check that values for all scales are zero

It is also possible to define own action using JavaScript function:

action: function() { ... }

Inside function the following helper functions can be used:

  • prepareS2(pin, keys) - save S2 PIN and list of keys to grant for the upcoming inclusion; if pin is 0/null/undefined, use the previously saved PIN (from prevous inclusions of that S2 device), keys is a bit mask 0x80 for S0, 0x01 for S2 Unauth, 0x02 for S2 Auth, 0x04 for S2 Access or -1 (or not specified) for all
  • lastDevice() - returns the last included device object like zway.devices[lastIncludedID]; can be used as lastDevice().DoorLock.Set(0)
  • getDevice(id) - returns the device object with ID equal to id
  • getMaxDevice() - returns the device object with the highest ID
  • controllerDevice() - returns the device object for the controller (Z-Way)
  • controller() - returns the controller object
  • getParamsCount() - returns the number of matched parameters
  • getParam(param) - returns the parameter number param as a string; first parameter is 1
  • decParam(param) - returns the parameter number param as an integer
  • floatParam(param) - returns the parameter number param as a float
  • byteParam(param) - returns the parameter number param with conversion from hex to integer
  • wordParam(param1, param2) - returns the parameters number param1 and param2 with conversion from hex word represented by param1 (MSB) and param2 (LSB) to integer
  • hex(v) - converts heximal byte value to integer, e.g. FF string to 255
  • hexWord(v1, v2) - converts heximal word value represented by two separate bytes to decimal, e.g. 01 02 to 258
  • exec - executes actions - allows to use actions from the list above as functions; e.g. exec(checkScale("Meter", "scaleString", 1, 0)
  • send(answer) - send answer (ok, yes, no or cancel) and contine with other action; don't add answer section to this question; this is useful if you need to execute something after answering
  • wait(delay) - wait delay seconds before continuing; if the question should be answered before executing some function (without blocking), use defer(1, function() { lastDevice().Basic.Get(); }) instead of wait(1); lastDevice().Basic.Get()
  • defer(delay, func) - execute func after a delay seconds without blocking the rest of the code
  • ccCentralSceneKeyAttribute(str) - converts CentralScene KeyAttribute text to scene id
  • any of pre-defined action with () at the end, e.g. waitIdle() or startInclusion() is same as using exec(waitIdle) or exec(startInclusion)

Useful Z-Way API functions that can also be used:

  • zway.controller.SendNodeInformation() - send controller NIF
  • lastDevice().Basic.Get() - Send a Basic Get
  • zway.RemoveFailedNode(id) - initiate removing of a failed node
  • zway.devices.length - returns the number of devices
  • lastDevice() = value - assign value to path on Basic data
  • lastDevice() - read value from path on Basic data
  • = value - assign value to path on the controller
  • !!lastDevice().Battery - check if Battery CC is present

Check helpers.js for all helpers and handlers.js for more examples.

Some questions have no actions. In that case the question will be imediatelly answered.


Answer replies to CTT by clicking the corresponding button. Valid answers are:

  • yes - clicks Yes
  • no - clicks No
  • yesNo - clicks Yes if the action returns true, otherwise No
  • cancel - clicks Cancel
  • ok - clicks Ok
  • alern - clicks No and issue an error message in the Z-Way log

More answers are defined in helpers.js.

Some questions don't need any answer.

Make sure the answer corresponds to the expected reply:

  • »OK:SHOW« - ok
  • »YES-NO:SHOW« - yes, no or yesNo
  • »OK-CANCEL:SHOW« - ok or cancel
  • »SKIP:DISABLE« - yes, no or yesNo

Preparing questions

You can use the following script to covert CTT log output into a question template:

cat CTT-log.txt | tr -d '\r' | sed 's/{[^}]*}//g;s/^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9] //;s/^             //' | grep -aB 1 -A 1 :SHOW | awk '{if(NR%4==1)printf("%s", "{ question: [\"" $0 "\", "); if(NR%4==2) printf("\"" $0 "\"],"); if(NR%4==3) print(" answer: \"" $0 "\" },")}'| sort -u

Then replace all values and IDs that can vary with ####.

Reloading the app

Sometimes some qusetion is missing during the test. This app will not react on such a question. If this is find, edit the handlers.js to add the corresponding question.

After editing reload the module using http://localhost:8083/ZAutomation/api/v1/modules/reinitialize/ZWayCTTAutoTest

Retry handling of last CTT log lines after reload: http://localhost:8083/ZWayCTTAutoTestReload


App for automatic tests of Z-Way using Certification Test Tool. Used to automatically check Z-Way compliance with the Z-Wave certification requirements.







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