Install required packages:
sudo apt install curl grep wget unzip
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd bedrock-server
Or download and extract:
cd bedrock-server-master
With git:
cd bedrock-server
git pull
Or download and extract in directory that conains existing bedrock-server-master directory:
wget -O
unzip -o
cd bedrock-server-master
./new <instance name>
<instance name>
Name that will be used as the systemd service name in the form ofmcbs-<instance name>
and in the./instances
directories for the new bedrock server instance. This argument will be converted to lowercase and it's whitespace trimmed.
After creation the bedrock server instance can be run with ./run/<instance name>/
. To create the systemd service for the instance, run sudo ./install-service <instance name>
. After service install, run systemctl status mcbs-<instance name>
to verify the service status.
./import <source directory> <instance name>
<source directory>
Path of directory that contains existing worlds directory and permissions.json,, allowlist.json files. -
<instance name>
Name that will be used as the systemd service name in the form ofmcbs-<instance name>
and in the./instances
directories for the new bedrock server instance. This argument will be converted to lowercase and it's whitespace trimmed.
After the import is completed the bedrock server instance can be run with ./run/<instance name>/
. To create the systemd service for the instance, run sudo ./install-service <instance name>
. After service install, run systemctl status mcbs-<instance name>
to verify the service status.
Source directory:
└─ path/
└─ to/
└─ bedrock/
├─ permissions.json
├─ allowlist.json
└─ worlds/
└─ ...
:~/bedrock-server$ ./import /path/to/bedrock/ awesome-world
:~/bedrock-server$ ./run/awesome-world/
Install service and verify:
:~/bedrock-server$ sudo ./install-service awesome-world
:~/bedrock-server$ systemctl status mcbs-awesome-world
./update <instance name>
<instance name>
Name of the instance that will be updated. This argument will be converted to lowercase and it's whitespace trimmed.
If the service for the instance is installed and is active, it must be stopped first with sudo systemctl stop mcbs-<instance name>
to be able to update. After the update is completed, the service can be started again with sudo systemctl start mcbs-<instance name>
To force the update if the instance is up to date, run rm ./instances/<instance_name>/running-version
before ./update <instance name>
:~/bedrock-server$ sudo systemctl stop mcbs-awesome-world
:~/bedrock-server$ ./update awesome-world
:~/bedrock-server$ sudo systemctl start mcbs-awesome-world