🚀 Features
- Can custom index.html and merge them - by @YunYouJun (bcd67)
- Default date -> git -> mtime & date.format, close #45 - by @YunYouJun (bdcf0)
- Add sidebar toggle & local-nav - by @YunYouJun (7c9f1)
- Expose unocssPresets options & move yun css to theme - by @YunYouJun (338c7)
- cli: [new-post] adding support for userRoot and themeRoot - by @jw-foss in #47
- theme-press: Basic layout & home - by @YunYouJun (ce85e)
- valaxy: I18n for block - by @YunYouJun (6a1c3)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Await getTime & default frontmatter - by @YunYouJun (f8c04)
- Repeated vite.config.ts caused by vite auto load vuserRoot config - by @YunYouJun (1e0d8)
- Adapt when valaxy.config.ts not exist - by @YunYouJun (8e3d2)
- Move defineUnoSetup to types - by @YunYouJun (e0dbd)
- Config base by vite.config.ts not cli, close #54 - by @YunYouJun (3e403)