This app is created to demonstrate different approaches of android automation tests.
There are:
- Unit tests with Robolectric and Mockito.
- Simple integration test.
- Simple and advanced espresso tests.
All advanced actions and assertions in this sample project are executed using espresso-page-object DSL library.
It will be really useful if you read this README firstly
In EspressoGuide you can find:
- A page object approach for Espresso tests (look at the description of page object classes here).
- A new style of Espresso test using espresso-page-object DSL library. The best example of how these tests looks like you can find in class DemoEspressoTest
- A new great approach of how to work with RecyclerView lists (look inside page object classes again).
- A new safe and simple way of using IdlingResources (look at BaseTest, IdlingUtils, and all things inside idlingresources package).
- How to configure allure report for a project.
- How to find UI elements with view.tag value. This way of searching an element on the screen is really useful when resource id, content description and text are not applicable.