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MineTweaker Support
Yoghurt4C edited this page Jul 24, 2023
7 revisions
import mods.betterwithmods.Cauldron;
// addUnstoked(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient[] inputs)
Cauldron.addUnstoked([<minecraft:gold_ingot>], [<ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:skull>, <minecraft:apple>]);
// addStoked(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient[] inputs)
Cauldron.addStoked([<minecraft:diamond>], [<minecraft:dirt> * 8]);
// remove(IItemStack output, boolean stoked)
// removes every recipe that outputs gunpowder
Cauldron.remove(<minecraft:gunpowder>, false);
// removeAll(boolean stoked)
// tiny 1337 convenience hack, add this directly to your zs script file
function replaceCauldron(outputs as IItemStack[], inputs as IIngredient[], stoked as bool) {
Cauldron.remove(outputs[0], stoked);
if (stoked) {
Cauldron.addStoked(outputs, inputs);
} else {
Cauldron.addUnstoked(outputs, inputs);
import mods.betterwithmods.Crucible;
// addUnstoked(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient[] inputs)
Crucible.addUnstoked([<minecraft:gold_ingot>], [<ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:skull>, <minecraft:apple>]);
// addStoked(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient[] inputs)
Crucible.addStoked([<minecraft:diamond>], [<minecraft:dirt> * 8]);
// remove(IItemStack output, boolean stoked)
// removes every recipe that outputs gunpowder
Crucible.remove(<minecraft:gunpowder>, false);
// removeAll(boolean stoked)
import mods.betterwithmods.HeatRegistry;
// addHeatSource(IItemStack block, int heat)
// 3 = vanilla fire
// 8 = stoked fire
HeatRegistry.addHeatSource(<minecraft:cactus>, 8);
// pass wildcard meta to register every possible state of one block as a single Heat Source
HeatRegistry.addHeatSource(<minecraft:wool>.anyDamage(), 1);
// or
HeatRegistry.addHeatSource(<minecraft:wool:32767>, 1);
import mods.betterwithmods.Kiln;
// add(IItemStack[] output, IIngredient block)
Kiln.add([<minecraft:iron_bars> * 2], <ore:oreIron>);
Kiln.add([<minecraft:sand>], <minecraft:stained_glass>.anyDamage());
// remove(IIngredient input)
// removeAll()
import mods.betterwithmods.Mill;
// add(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient[] inputs)
Mill.add([<minecraft:gold_nugget> * 3], [<minecraft:gold_ore>]);
// remove(IItemStack output)
// removeAll()
import mods.betterwithmods.Saw;
// add(IItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient block);
Saw.add([<minecraft:dye:4> * 9], <minecraft:lapis_block>);
Saw.add([<minecraft:string> * 4>], <minecraft:wool>.anyDamage());
// addEntity(string entityName, boolean choppingBlock, IItemStack[] drops, int dropChance)
// you can get every vanilla entityName in the game through the /summon command, modded entities are seemingly only partially printed with /mt entities
// if choppingBlock is true, the specified drops *only* drop when a chopping block is under the entity
Saw.addEntity("Sheep", true, [<minecraft:gold_ingot>], 100);
// addEntity(string entityName, IItemStack[] regularDrops, int dropChance, IItemStack[] chopDrops, int chopChance)
// both kinds of drops for the same entity
Saw.addEntity("Zombie", [<minecraft:dirt>], 15, [<minecraft:diamond>], 5);
import mods.betterwithmods.Turntable;
// add(IItemStack[] output, IIngredient block)
Turntable.add([<minecraft:skull>, <minecraft:coal:1> * 3], <ore:logWood>);
Turntable.add([<minecraft:hardened_clay>], <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay>.anyDamage());
// remove(IIngredient input)
// removeAll()
import mods.betterwithmods.HCFurnace;
// add(IIngredient input, int ticks)
HCFurnace.add(<minecraft:clay>, 1600);
// remove(IIngredient input)