Colour and format your items and signs! Plugin requires at least Paper, won't work on Spigot nor Bukkit. Supports 1.20+
- With colors and formats per permission - MiniMessage and legacy supported
- Player signatures (uuids) saved in item's NBT, to check who changed the item's name
- PAPI placeholders - parsed only once at command execution
- Supported MiniMessage and legacy formats
- PAPI placeholders
- Supported MiniMessage and legacy formats
- PAPI placeholders
- Ability to change both sides of the sign
- Fully customizable messages with a lang file, supporting PlaceholderAPI and MiniMessage
- Commands with tab completions
- API for developers
You can download the plugin only on Modrinth, or compile it by yourself.
You can read about plugin's permissions, placeholders etc. on the wiki page.
This project uses GNU GPLv3 license.